
Materialni pogoji za poučevanje športa v 1. in 2. triletju osnovnih šol v Ljubljani in njeni bližnji okolici
ID Volaj, Klara (Author), ID Štemberger Vučko, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, kakšni so materialni pogoji za poučevanje športa v 1. in 2. triletju osnovnih šol v Ljubljani in njeni okolici. Ustrezni materialni pogoji pomembno vplivajo na kakovosten proces predmeta šport, saj učencem in učiteljem omogočajo ustrezne razmere za učenje in poučevanje. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili vlogo športa v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu, pri katerem načrtno vplivamo na celosten razvoj otroka. Podrobneje smo opredelili zahteve in minimalne tehnične pogoje za vadbeni prostor ter opremo v osnovni šoli in predstavili različne pokazatelje primernega učnega okolja. Raziskali smo tudi področje financiranja in vzdrževanja šolskih objektov, ki je največkrat vzrok za razlike v materialnih pogojih šolskih vadbenih prostorov. Posebno pozornost smo namenili tudi varnosti pri poučevanju športa. Na koncu smo predstavili še nekatere možnosti za izboljšanje stanja šolskih vadbenih prostorov za šport s ciljem dviga kakovosti. V raziskavi za preverjanje materialnih pogojev in zadovoljstva učiteljev z njimi je sodelovalo 56 ljubljanskih in okoliških osnovnih šol. Od tega je prvi vprašalnik, ki je preverjal materialne pogoje, izpolnilo 56 razrednih učiteljev (za vsako osnovno šolo po en učitelj), ki so v šolskem letu 2016/17 poučevali v 1. ali 2. triletju. Zanimalo nas je, ali se pouk športa izvaja v za to primernih vadbenih prostorih, kako je tam poskrbljeno za osvetljenost, prezračevanje in za varnost, kakšni so higienski pogoji, ali opremljenost materialnih pogojev ustreza priporočenim minimalnim standardom in ali obstajajo razlike v materialnih pogojih med ljubljanskimi in okoliškimi šolami. Drugi vprašalnik, ki je preverjal zadovoljstvo učiteljev z materialnimi pogoji, pa je rešilo 156 razrednih učiteljev (za vsako osnovno šolo več učiteljev) na istih šolah, ki so prav tako v šolskem letu 2016/17 poučevali v 1. ali 2. triletju. Zanimalo nas je zadovoljstvo učiteljev z vadbenimi prostori, s pripomočki, sodobno tehnologijo, z osebno športno opremo in s higienskimi pogoji. Rezultati so pokazali, da so materialni pogoji za poučevanje športa v 1. in 2. triletju osnovnih šol v Ljubljani in njeni bližnji okolici ustrezni. Pouk športa se tam večinoma izvaja v za to primernih vadbenih prostorih, katerih velikost je prav tako ustrezna številu učencev. V vadbenih prostorih za šport je večinoma dobro poskrbljeno za osvetljenost in prezračevanje. Higienski pogoji za učence so večinoma ustrezni glede možnosti umivanja, neustrezni pa glede možnosti preoblačenja. Higienski pogoji za učitelje so večinoma ustrezni glede možnosti preoblačenja in tudi možnosti umivanja. Učenci in učitelji se za pouk športa večinoma vedno preoblačijo v športna oblačila. Na večini ljubljanskih in okoliških osnovnih šol niti količina vgrajene opreme niti količina športnih pripomočkov ni skladna z normativi. Med učitelji, ki poučujejo šport v 1. in 2. triletju, ne obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v zadovoljstvu z materialnimi pogoji glede na starost. Prav tako med ljubljanskimi in okoliškimi šolami ne obstajajo razlike v materialnih pogojih za poučevanje športa.

Keywords:osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100765 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11976265 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Material conditions for teaching sports in the first and second triad in the primary schools in ljubljana and its surroundings
Master thesis deals with the material conditions for teaching sports in the first and second triad in the primary schools in Ljubljana and its surroundings. The purpose of this master thesis is to show how appropriate material conditions affect the quality of the sports subject in schools whereas they provide the right conditions for learning as well as teaching the subject at hand. Theoretical part presents the role of sports in the educational process where the influence of sports can be felt throughout the whole development of every individual student. The detailed demands have been presented as well as the minimal technical conditions for exercising, and the equipment for successful learning environment in primary schools. The research shows how financing and maintenance of school facilities is mostly the cause for such discrepancies in material conditions of school facilities whereas safety is the priority when it comes to teaching sports. In the end, the master thesis offers some suggestions for improvement of school sports facilities. The thesis includes the research where 56 primary teachers answered the questions regarding material conditions for the first questionnaire and the second questionnaire was aimed at 156 primary teachers' satisfaction, from Ljubljana and the surrounding primary schools, with the previously mentioned conditions. Every primary teacher who was teaching in 2016/ 2017 in the first or the second triad, had to answer the questions from the questionnaire. The purpose of that was to find out if the supports subject is conducted in the appropriate facilities, if the lighting is taken care of, airing as well as safety, what are the hygiene conditions, if the equipments meets the minimal standards and if there are big differences between the primary schools in Ljubljana and those outside the ring. The final results show that the material conditions for teaching sports in the first and second triad in primary schools in Ljubljana and its surroundings, meet the standards. The lessons are conducted in the appropriate facilities which size fits the number of students, they are suitably aired as well as lit. The hygiene conditions for the students are mostly appropriate since the students can wash themselves however, inappropriate for changing. Moreover, the teachers believe the hygiene conditions are acceptable for washing as well as for changing. Students as well as teacher, they both change into their sports clothes. Most of the primary schools in Ljubljana, as well as its surrounding schools, do not meet the norm in regards to having enough sports equipment. There is no drastic difference in the satisfaction of material conditions among teachers of different ages, teaching the first and the second triad, nor among those teaching in the primary schools in Ljubljana or the ones from the surrounding schools.

Keywords:primary school

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