
Mala hiša : primer kakovostnega preživljanja prostega časa otrok in mladostnikov
ID Laharnar, Marina (Author), ID Zorc-Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dejavniki sodobne družbe, kot so hiter tempo življenja, vse večji vplivi medijev in tehnologije na življenja posameznikov ter nepredvidljiva prihodnost, vplivajo tudi na preživljanje prostega časa otrok in mladostnikov. Prosti čas je čas, ki posamezniku omogoča raznovrstne drugačne dejavnosti; je čas, s katerim naj bi vsak svobodno razpolagal. Način izrabe prostega časa je še posebej pomemben v času odraščanja, saj se v tem obdobju prisvajajo novi življenjski stili in osebna zadržanja. Načini in možnosti preživljanja prostega časa so v veliki meri odvisni od ponudbe okolja, v katerem posameznik odrašča. Ponudba se od kraja do kraja razlikuje. Moje ključno vprašanje je, kakšne možnosti za preživljanje prostega časa imajo otroci in mladostniki v občini Tolmin in ali bi bilo ponudbo smiselno dopolniti. S skupino kolegic, ki delujemo pod imenom Društvo Mala hiša, smo dobile idejo, da bi otrokom in mladostnikom v omenjeni občini ponudile alternativo preživljanja prostega časa v obliki dnevnega centra. Gre za preventivni program, ki bi preko kakovostne izrabe prostega časa stremel k ustvarjanju čim boljših pogojev za otrokov oziroma mladostnikov razvoj. Magistrsko delo se v empiričnem razdelku na podlagi mnenj otrok in mladostnikov ter strokovnjakov na področju dela z otroki in mladostniki ukvarja z možnostmi, načini in oblikami sistemske ureditve centra za otroke in mladostnike v občini Tolmin.

Keywords:mladostniki, otroci, center za otroke in mladostnike, preventiva
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Laharnar]
Number of pages:130 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100760 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11972937 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Mala hiša: the example of quality leisure time of children and youngsters
Factors of modern society, such as fast paced lifestyle, increasing influence of social media and technology on the life of individuals and unpredictable future have an impact on leisure time activities of children and the youth. Leisure time is the time that makes it possible for an individual to try diverse and various activities, it is the time at one's disposal. The way of how one spends leisure time is even more important in transition to adulthood, because in this transition they try new life styles and explore their personal restraints. Ways and possibilities for leisure time activities depend to a great extent on what their home town offers. The offer differs from town to town. My key question is what kind of possibilities for spending leisure time have children and adolescents in Municipality of Tolmin and if it would be reasonably to fill the offer up. With a group of colleagues, I am a member in the society called Mala Hiša. We offered children in aforementioned municipality an alternative for leisure time activities in the form of a centre for quality leisure time activities. It is a preventive program that aims to create the best conditions for the development of children and youth through the use of quality time. The empirical part of Master’s thesis deals with ways and forms of the systemic arrangement of centre for children and adolescents in the Municipality of Tolmin through opinions of children, adolescents and experts on the field of working with children and the youth.

Keywords:childhood, adolescence, leisure, socialization, otroštvo, adolescenca, prosti čas, socializacija

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