
Fazni model profesionalnega razvoja vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok
ID Simonič, Ema (Author), ID Valenčič Zuljan, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Hiter znanstveno-tehnološki razvoj in številne družbene spremembe postavljajo strokovne delavce v vrtcu pred nove izzive. Njihova profesionalna vloga postaja vedno zahtevnejša, zato je potreba po profesionalnem razvoju vedno bolj pomembna in se ne konča s poklicno maturo ali diplomo, ampak od pedagoških delavcev zahteva vseživljenjsko učenje in nenehno izpopolnjevanje (Valenčič Zuljan in Marentič Požarnik, 2014). Raziskovanje profesionalnega razvoja pedagogov zato postaja ena izmed vse bolj aktualnih tematik. Različni modeli profesionalnega razvoja tujih in slovenskih strokovnjakov se v večini nanašajo na poklic učitelja in ne zajemajo vseh posebnosti in razlik na področju predšolske vzgoje. Prehajanje med izobraževalnimi programi in poklici omogoča, da se na delovnem mestu vzgojitelja oz. pomočnika vzgojitelja zaposlijo ljudje z različno izobrazbo, zato je v slovenskih vrtcih zaposlen zelo raznolik kader. Od poklica učitelja se vzgojiteljevo delo razlikuje tudi v tandemskem delu s pomočnikom vzgojitelja in za uspešno pedagoško delo, spodbudno klimo v oddelku in organizaciji ter nenazadnje tudi profesionalni razvoj obeh je pomembno uspešno timsko sodelovanje. Namen magistrskega dela je bil analizirati karierne poti pedagoških delavcev v vrtcu in na osnovi dobljenih podatkov ter obstoječih že znanih faznih modelov profesionalnega razvoja učiteljev oblikovati model profesionalnega razvoja vzgojiteljev in pomočnikov vzgojitelja. V kvalitativno raziskavo je bilo vključenih 31 vzgojiteljic in 32 pomočnic vzgojiteljice v različnih fazah profesionalnega razvoja in s polstrukturiranim intervjujem smo pridobili podatke o njihovi poklicni poti in profesionalnem razvoju. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da delo z otroki v poklicu vzgojitelja in pomočnika vzgojitelja povzroča največ zadovoljstva, največ stresa in skrbi pa doživljajo pri zagotavljanju varnosti otrok, v odnosih z vodstvom in v komunikaciji s starši. Med pomočniki vzgojitelja narašča število tistih, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje za delovno mesto vzgojitelja. Hkrati pa na trg dela prihajajo tudi vzgojitelji in pomočniki vzgojitelja s podiplomsko izobrazbo, kar bo v prihodnjih letih zahtevalo odziv in spremembo sistema. Poleg formalnega izobraževanja so strokovni delavci v vrtcu zavzeti tudi za druge oblike nadaljnjega izobraževanja in usposabljanja, s čimer skrbijo za svoj profesionalni razvoj, pridobivajo znanje in kompetence, ki jih potrebujejo pri delu, obenem pa jim daje tudi možnost napredovanja v plačne razrede, vzgojiteljem tudi v nazive. Zaradi pomembnosti študentskih izkušenj v primerjavi s S-modelom, na katerega smo se opirali pri oblikovanju modela za vzgojitelja in pomočnika vzgojitelja, smo dodali predkarierno obdobje. Temu sledi obdobje preživetja in stabilizacije, ki sta po zavezanosti poklicu pri vzgojiteljih in pomočnikih vzgojitelja dokaj podobna, v srednjem obdobju kariere pa se med vzgojitelji in pomočniki vzgojitelja pokažejo bistvene razlike v doživljanju in izražanju stališč o karieri. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali tudi, da zaradi fizičnih in psihičnih naporov kar 25 % vprašanih meni, da v tem poklicu ne bodo pričakali upokojitve, nekateri pomočniki vzgojitelja se v srednjem obdobju odločijo tudi za zapustitev poklica.

Keywords:profesionalni razvoj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100724 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11960649 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Preschool teacher's professional development model
The rapid scientific and technological progress along with many social changes represent many challenges for professional workers at preschools. Their professional role is becoming more and more complex, which is why the need for their professional development is rising in importance and does not end with graduation; it demands life-long learning and constant acquiring of new knowledge (Valenčič Zuljan and Marentič Požarnik, 2014). The research of teacher’s professional development is therefore becoming one of the most prominent themes. Various models of professional development by Slovene and foreign experts mostly refer to teachers in primary and secondary schools and do not include all the specificities and differences in the field of preschool teaching. The possibility of transitions between educational programmes and professions enables people with various educations to become preschool teachers, which is why Slovene preschools employ extremely diverse staff. The work of a preschool teacher is different from the work of a primary or secondary school teacher; the main difference is that a preschool teacher must be able to successfully cooperate with their assistant, to perform tandem work, which ensures a supporting teaching and learning environment, successful pedagogic work and professional development of both, the teacher and the assistant. The main purpose of this thesis was to analyse career paths of pedagogic workers at preschools and to create a new model of professional development of preschool teachers and assistants on the basis of the acquired information and the existent phase models of teacher’s professional development. The qualitative research included 31 preschool teachers and 32 teacher assistants in different stages of their professional development and gained the information on their professional path and development using a semi-structured interview. The results of the research have shown that working with children gives the most contentment in the occupation of preschool teachers and teacher assistants, while ensuring the children’s safety, relations with the preschool management and parent-teacher communication are the cause of most stress and concern. Among preschool teacher assistants there is a growing number of those who meet the requirements for being employed in the preschool teacher position. At the same time there are preschool teachers and teacher assistants with post-graduate education entering the job market, which is why in the years to come a change in the system will be necessary. Besides their formal education, professional workers at preschool also engage in other forms of further education, which benefits their professional development. They gain new knowledge and competences which help them at their work and at the same time give them an opportunity for promotion to pay grades and for preschool teachers also for appointment to titles. Due to the importance of experience gained during student years in comparison with the S-model, which we referred to in the process of creating the model for preschool teachers and teacher assistants, we added a pre-career period. It is followed by the period of survival and stabilization, which is similar in commitment to the occupation among preschool teachers and teacher assistants. In the middle career period some crucial differences in experiencing and expressing their views on their careers are seen between preschool teachers and teacher assistants. The results of the research have also shown that due to physical and mental stress 25 % of participants believe that they will not stay in this profession until retirement. Some preschool teacher assistants even decide to abandon the profession in the middle career period.

Keywords:professional development

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