
Poučevanje angleškega jezika v drugem razredu s pomočjo aktivizirajoče slikanice
ID Hudales, Anja (Author), ID Dagarin Fojkar, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Učenje tujih jezikov na zgodnji stopnji narašča, starostna meja začetka učenja tujih jezikov pa se pomika navzdol. V času poučevanja tujih jezikov se je razvilo veliko različnih pristopov, eden izmed njih je na zgodbi temelječa metodologija. Otroci uživajo ob branju in poslušanju zgodb v njihovem maternem jeziku, te zaradi svoje tipične sestave, ponavljajočih in hitro zapomljivih vsebin predstavljajo idealno sredstvo pri zgodnjem poučevanju tujega jezika. V procesu branja zgodb (ang. storybooks) se namreč ustvari sproščeno vzdušje, kar olajša in izboljša pomnjenje. Posebna vrsta slikanic so aktivizirajoče slikanice, katerih glavna značilnost je, da otroku poleg estetske vzgoje nudijo izkustveno in doživljajsko vrednost ter ga v branje aktivno vključijo. V teoretičnih izhodiščih magistrskega dela sem podrobneje predstavila učenje tujega jezika v zgodnjih letih poučevanja ter na zgodbah temelječo metodologijo. Predstavila sem slikanico kot najbolj razširjen tip knjige v otroški književnosti in njeno uporabo pri poučevanju tujega jezika. Osredinila sem se na slikanico brez besedila in aktivizirajočo slikanico. Namen empiričnega dela naloge je bil izdelati in v praksi preizkusiti uporabo aktivizirajoče slikanice iz blaga in uporabo klasične slikanice. Izvedla in analizirala sem štiri šolske ure, pri katerih je sodelovalo 54 učencev in njihova učiteljica angleškega jezika. Učenci imajo za sabo leto dni poučevanja angleškega jezika. S pomočjo opazovanja, anketnih vprašalnikov in intervjujev učencev sem ugotavljala in analizirala morebitne razlike v motiviranosti učencev za delo z omenjenima slikanicama glede na različne elemente slikanice. Predstavila sem nekatere dejavnosti pred, med in po branju slikanice ter učiteljev pogled na poučevanje tujega jezika z na zgodbi temelječo metodologijo, natančneje z aktivizirajočo slikanico. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je bil glavni cilj dosežen. Uporaba na zgodbi temelječe metodologije je spodbudila aktivnejše sodelovanje učencev pri pouku, še posebej zanimiva je bila zanje aktivizirajoča slikanica. Učiteljice sem spodbudila in navdušila za uporabo raznolikih slikanic (ne samo po temi, tudi po zunanjih značilnostih) pri poučevanju tujega jezika v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju.

Keywords:Zgodnje poučevanje angleškega jezika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100665 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11963721 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching English in second grade through a cloth book
While teaching foreign languages to learners in their early years is rapidly increasing, the age line at which they begin to learn foreign languages is decreasing. There are many different approaches to teaching second languages. One of them is a story-based methodology. Children enjoy listening to stories in their mother tongue and are familiar with narrative conventions. That is the reason why stories provide an ideal introduction to the foreign language as they present the language in a repetitive and memorable context. The reading process creates a relaxed atmosphere that eases and improves the learners memory. One type of a picturebook is a cloth book. It offers the reader not only the eastetic value, but also the value of experience and includes him actively in the reading process. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, I presented the learning of a foreign language in childhood and a story-based methodology of teaching. I presented picturebooks as one of the most used books types in children's literature and the use of them in foreign language learning. Moreover, I introduced a wordless picturebook and a cloth book. In the empirical part of the thesis, the aim was to make and test the use of a cloth book and a typical picturebook. I taught and analysed four lessons. 54 children, who had been learning English as their first foreign language for a year, and their English teacher participated in the study. With the help of questionnaires, interviews and by observing the students I learned and analysed the potencial differences in student's motivation for working with picturebooks with different elements. I presented some pre-, while- and post-reading activities and the teacher's view on using story-based methodology in foreign language learning, especially her view on using cloth books. The conducted research with its findings shows that the main goal was achieved. The use of story-based methodology promoted more active participation of pupils in class, especially while working with a cloth book. Also, the teachers were thrilled with using different picturebooks (not only different by topic, but also by visual characteristics) in foreign language teaching in the first three years of school.

Keywords:Early English language teaching

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