
Spodbujanje pripovednih sposobnosti otrok z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami in/ali odstopanji v motoričnem razvoju : magistrsko delo
ID Tršinar, Špela (Author), ID Smrtnik Vitulić, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5022/ This link opens in a new window

V vrtec je zaradi inkluzivne naravnanosti vključenih vse več otrok, pri katerih se v primerjavi z vrstniki pojavljajo določena odstopanja v razvoju. V raziskavi smo se osredotočili na sopojavnost težav na pripovednem in motoričnem področju pri otrocih, ki so usmerjeni kot otroci z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami. Namen magistrskega dela je bil primerjati pripovedne sposobnosti in motorične spretnosti otrok z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami z otroki brez govorno-jezikovnih motenj, pri obeh skupinah otrok ugotoviti povezanost med dosežki na obeh omenjenih področjih in predstaviti značilnosti spodbud, ki jih družina nudi otrokom na obeh izbranih področjih raziskovanja. V raziskavo so bili vključeni trije otroci z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami, trije otroci brez govorno-jezikovnih motenj, vprašalnik o družinskih spodbudah pa so poleg staršev omenjenih otrok izpolnili še ostali starši petletnikov/šestletnikov, vključenih v izbrani vrtec (N = 53). Pripovedne sposobnosti smo preverili s Preizkusom pripovedovanja zgodbe: Rokavička, motorične spretnosti pa s preizkusom ABC gibanja 2, nalogami za preverjanje grafomotorike, opazovanjem temeljnih gibalnih spretnosti (tek, met, lovljenje in seskok) ter z opazovanjem vsakdanjih življenjskih gibalnih spretnosti (npr. oblačenje jope, striženje s škarjami). Značilnosti družinskih spodbud na področju govorno-jezikovnega in motoričnega razvoja pa smo ugotavljali z vprašalnikom, ki smo ga sestavili za namen magistrske raziskave. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so na področju pripovednih sposobnosti otroci z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami na posameznih kazalnikih pripovedi večinoma dosegali nižje rezultate v primerjavi z otroki brez govorno-jezikovnih motenj. Rezultat celotnega preizkusa je pokazal, da je med otroki z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami le eden od otrok dosegel podpovprečen rezultat, ki nakazuje na rahlo odstopanje od normativnega razvoja, druga dva otroka pa sta dosegla povprečen rezultat, medtem ko so vsi otroci brez govorno-jezikovnih motenj dosegli nadpovprečen rezultat. Na podlagi rezultatov preizkusa ABC gibanja 2, s katerim smo ugotavljali motorične spretnosti, smo ugotovili, da rezultati enega otroka v skupini otrok z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami nakazujejo na pomembne gibalne težave, rezultati drugega otroka kažejo na tveganje za gibalne težave in pri tretjem gibalne težave niso bile zaznane. V skupini otrok brez govorno-jezikovnih motenj se je izkazalo, da otroci nimajo gibalnih težav, saj se njihovi rezultati gibljejo od spodnje meje povprečja pa do nadpovprečnih dosežkov. Analiza posameznih elementov grafomotorike je pokazala, da se težave na področju grafomotorike kažejo le pri dveh otrocih z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami, pri otrocih brez govorno-jezikovnih motenj pa ni prisotnih grafomotoričnih težav. Pri opazovanju značilnosti gibalne stopnje smo ugotovili, da pri otrocih z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami še vedno prevladujejo gibalne značilnosti, ki so značilne za osnovno stopnjo temeljne gibalne faze, medtem ko pri otrocih brez govorno-jezikovnih motenj prevladujejo gibalne značilnosti, ki so značilne za zrelo stopnjo temeljne gibalne faze. Na področju vsakodnevnih življenjskih gibalnih spretnosti rezultati nakazujejo na to, da imata dva otroka z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami nekaj več težav pri posameznih vsakdanjih življenjskih gibalnih spretnostih, za razliko od enega otroka z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami in vseh otrok brez govorno-jezikovnih motenj. Pri ugotavljanju povezanosti med pripovednimi sposobnostmi in motoričnimi spretnostmi glede na celotne rezultate nismo mogli zaključiti, da se pripovedne sposobnosti in gibalne spretnosti pri vseh otrocih z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami in tistimi brez njih med seboj podobno povezujejo, saj so bili rezultati pri obeh skupinah zelo raznoliki. Analiza družinskih navad, povezanih z gibanjem, je pokazala, da starši večine vključenih otrok poročajo, da pri otrocih spodbujajo govorno-jezikovne sposobnosti in motorične spretnosti, saj jim berejo knjige, razlagajo neznane besede, se z njimi igrajo besedne igre, obiskujejo knjižnico, igrišče ipd. Razlike med otroci z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami in otroci brez teh motenj so se pokazale v prid otrok brez govorno-jezikovnih motenj, pri katerih starši večkrat prebirajo z njimi iste knjige, jim bolj omejujejo uporabo pametnih naprav ter jim zlasti na govornem področju omogočajo več spodbud. Glede na izsledke naše raziskave lahko zaključimo, da je potrebno za vsakega otroka z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami na pripovednem in motoričnem področju prepoznati njihove težave in na osnovi njihovih individualnih značilnosti postaviti cilje in načine dela z njimi. Pri individualni obravnavi otrok pa so nam lahko v pomoč smernice za spodbujanje pripovednega in motoričnega razvoja otrok.

Keywords:zgodnje otroštvo, pripovedne sposobnosti, motorični razvoj, spodbujanje, govorno-jezikovni razvoj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[Š. Tršinar]
Number of pages:81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100628 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11958089 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Encouraging narrative skills for children with speech and language disorders and / or discrepancies in motor development
Due to the inclusive orientation of kindregartens, there are more and more children enrolled who, compared with their peers, have some developmental variations. In the study, we focused on the coexistence of problems in the narrative and motoric skills in children with speech-language disorders. The purpose of the master's thesis was to compare the narrative abilities and motor skills of children with speech-language disorders to children with no speech-language disorders, in both groups of children to establish the connection between the achievements in both areas and to present the characteristics of the incentives that the family offers to children on both selected research areas. Three children with speech-language disorders and three children with no speech-language disorders were included in the study, while the questionnaire on gamily incentives was filled in not only by the parents of the above mentioned children but also by the parents of other five- and six-ear-olds enrolled in the selected kindergarten (N = 53). We tested the narrative skills with the Storytelling Test: The Gloves and Motor Skills with the ABC Motion 2 test, with the tasks of checking the graphomotorics, by observing the basic motor skills (running, throwing, catching and jump landing) and observing everyday life skills (e.g. putting on a jacket, cutting with scissors). The characteristics of family incentives in the field of language and motor development were determined with a questionnaire, which was prepared for the purpose of the master's research. The results of the research have shown that children with speech-language disorders in the narrative abilities mostly achieved lower results in the narrative indicators compared to children without speech-language disorders. The result of the entire experiment showed that among children with speech-linguistic disorders, only one of the children achieved a below average result indicating a slight deviation from normative development, while the other two children achieved an average result, and all children without a speech-language disorders reached an above-average result. Based on the results of the ABC Motion 2 test to determine motor skills, we found that the results of one child in the group of children with speech-language disorders indicate important motor problems, the results of the second child show the risk of motor problems and in the third case movement discrepancies were not detected. In the group of children without speech-language disorders children have no movement problems, as their results range from the lower limit of the average to the above-average achievements. The analysis of individual graphomotor elements showed that the graphomotor problems are indicated only in two children with speech-language disorders, while there are no graphomotor problems in children with no speech-language disorders. When observing the characteristics of the motion level, we found that children with speech-language disorders still have dominant motive characteristics that are characteristic of the basic level of the underlying motor phase, while in children with no speech-language disturbances the motive characteristics of the mature stage of the basic motor phase prevail. In the field of everyday life skills, the results suggest that two children with speech-language disorders have some more difficulties with individual everyday life skills, unlike one child with speech-language disorders and all children without speech-language disorders. In determining the correlation between narration skills and motor skills in relation to the overall results, we could not conclude that the narrative abilities and motive skills in all children with speech-linguistic disorders and those without them are similarly related to each other, since the results of both groups were very diverse. The analysis of family trends associated with the movement has shown that parents of the majority of children involved report that they promote speech and language skills and motor skills in children by reading books, interpreting unknown words, playing word games, visiting a library or a playground etc. The differences between children with speech-language disorders and children without these disorders have turned out to be in favor of children without speech-language disorders, whose parents often read the same books with them, who are more limited in the use of smart devices and who are given more incentives especially in the field of speech. According to the results of our research we can conclude that for each child with speech-language disorders in the narrative and motoric field, it is necessary to identify their problems and based on their individual characteristics to set goals and ways of working with them. However, in the individual treatment of children, guidelines for promoting the narrative and motor development of children can be helpful.

Keywords:speech defect, motor activity, govorna motnja, motorika

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