
Neprave opustitve v kazenskem pravu
ID Hübscher, Alja (Author), ID Jakulin, Vid (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za kaznivo dejanje izvršeno v nepravi opustitvi je nekdo kazensko odgovoren, če mu lahko dokažemo posebno življenjsko zvezo med storilcem in žrtvijo, iz katere izraščajo posebne odgovornosti storilca za žrtev. Te dolžnosti pa so varovalne in nadzorstvene oblike. Vzrok za nastanek prepovedane posledice je lahko le kršitev dolžnostnega ravnanja, to je kršitev garantne dolžnosti. Na koncu se presoja še krivdo, ki pa je lahko izključena oz. omiljena na podlagi pravne ali pa dejanske zmote storilca. Slovenski kazenski zakonik za razliko od nekaterih tujih kazenskopravnih sistemov (npr. nemškega) ne predvideva splošne omilitve kazni za kazniva dejanja izvršena v nepravi opustitvi, bi bila pa fakultativna možnost omilitve kazni v primeru nepravih opustitev zaradi značilno nižje, manj zavržne krivde teoretično utemeljena.

Keywords:kazensko pravo, neprava opustitev, garantna dolžnost, vzročna zveza, krivda, kazenske sankcije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100613 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16116561 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Omissions in criminal law
For a criminal offence committed in a form of omission, someone is accountable, if a special kind of link exists between a perpetrator and a victim, based on which a perpetrator has special responsibilities towards a victim. These responsibilities are those of safeguarding and monitoring. A criminal offence may be committed by omission only when the perpetrator has failed to perform the act, which he was obliged to perform. The perpetrator shall be guilty if he has committed a criminal offence with intent or by negligence and when he must have or could have been aware that his conduct was unlawful. The guilt of a perpetrator may be excluded if he was in error regarding the circumstances (mistake of fact) or was not aware of a statutory element of such an offence (mistake of law). Slovenian penal code, unlike some other penal codes (e.g. German) does not allow general grading of the sentence for criminal offences committed in a form of omission, based on mitigating circumstances. But in theory, an optional grading of the sentence would be justifiable in cases when mitigating factors are presented.

Keywords:criminal law, omissions, special responsibilities towards a victim, causal link, fault, criminal sanctions

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