
Prepustnostne lastnosti tkanin iz bambusove preje
ID Torjan, Helena (Author), ID Zupin, Živa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Bambus na Kitajskem že več tisočletij velja za bogat naravni vir, ki je uporaben v različnih industrijskih panogah. Njegova največja prednost je biorazgradljivost, hitra in gosta rast, možnost naravne predelave ter neuporaba pesticidov in herbicidov. V zadnjem desetletju uporaba bambusovih vlaken, tako naravnih kot tudi viskoznih, strmo narašča. Bambusovi izdelki imajo mnogo dobrih lastnosti kot so: nizka cena, trpežnost, prijaznost za okolje, možnost beljenja in barvanja, velika vpojnost, prijeten otip, poroznost, zračna prepustnost, antibakterijski učinek in UV zaščita. Regenerirana bambusova vlakna se največ uporabljajo za spodnje perilo, športna oblačila, majice in nogavice, zaradi UV zaščite so zaželena tudi pri poletnih oblačilih, pogosto se uporabljajo tudi za brisače,... Zaradi protibakterijskih lastnosti je primeren tudi za higienske izdelke in sanitetni material. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti kako se prepustnostne lastnosti tkanin z mešanico preje iz liocelnih in naravnih bambusovih vlaken v votku razlikujejo od bombažnih tkanin. Tkanine so bile stkane v treh različnih gostotah (v osnovi je bila gostota v vseh tkaninah enaka 20 niti/cm, gostota votka je bila 15, 20 in 25 niti/cm) in treh različnih vezavah (platno, obojestranski štirivezni keper (K2/2) in votkovni štirivezni keper (K1/3)). Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo tkanine z liocel/bambusovo prejo v votku večjo zračno prepustnost za približno 15 % in približno 8 % večjo prepustnost vodne pare, v primerjavi z bombažnimi tkaninami. Prav tako imajo zračno prepustnost in prepustnost vodne pare, za malenkost večjo tkanine stkane v vezavi K1/3, zaradi bolj porozne strukture in razporeditve por. Za 5 % boljšo toplotno prevodnost pa imajo bombažne tkanine. Tkanine stkane v platno vezavi, imajo tudi boljšo toplotno prevodnost v primerjavi z ostalima vezavama. Ugotovili smo, da na prepustnostne lastnosti poleg uporabljenega materiala v votku vplivajo tudi konstrukcijski parametri, kot sta gostota tkanin in vezava. Na zračno prepustnost in prepustnost vodne pare vplivajo odprta površina tkanin, poroznost in hidravlični premer por ter število por, medtem ko je toplotna prevodnost obratno sorazmerna z odprto površino. Večja kot je odprta površina tkanine, poroznost in hidravlični premer por, večja je zračna prepustnost in prepustnost vodne pare, manjše pa je število por. Za toplotno prevodnost velja obratno sorazmerje z odprto površino.

Keywords:bambusova vlakna, bombaž, tkanina, zračna prepustnost, prepustnost vodne pare, toplotna prevodnost, prepustnostne lastnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100608 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Permeability properties of woven fabrics from bamboo yarn
In China, for thousands of years Bamboo is considered as a rich natural resource which is useful in many different industries. Its greatest advantage is biodegradability, quick and dense growth, the possibility of natural processing and also non-use of pesticides and herbicides. In the last decade, the use of bamboo fibers, both natural and regenerated bamboo fibers, has been steadily increasing. Products made of bamboo have a lot of good properties, such as low price, durability, high absorption, pleasent touch, porosity, air permeability, antibactirial properties and UV protection. They are also environmental friendly and have ability of bleaching and dyeing. Regenerated bamboo fibers are mostly used for underwear, sportswear, t-shirts and socks, but because of UV protection, they are also desirable for towels and summer clothes. Due to its antibacterial properties, bamboo is suitable for hygiene products and medical supplies. The purpose of the diploma work was to determine how the permeability properties of fabrics with a mixture of fibres from lyocell and natural bamboo fibers in weft differ from cotton fabrics. Fabrics were woven in three different densities (basically, the density in all fabrics was 20 threads/cm, the weft density was 15, 20 and 25 threads/cm) and in three different weaves (plain weave, twill 2/2 (K2/2) and twill 1/3 (K1/3)). The results showed that woven fabrics with lyocell/bamboo yarn in weft have biger air permeability by approximately 15 % and about 8 % more water vapor permeability. Fabric woven in the twill 1/3 also have slightly higher air permeability and water vapor permeabilitiy, due to the more porous structure and the distribution of the pores. Cotton fabrics have 5 % better thermal conductivity. Woven fabrics made in plain weave also have better thermal conductivity in comparison with other two weaves. We have determined that the permeability properties in addition to the material used in the weft are influenced by the construction parameters such as the density of fabrics and weave. The air permeability and water vapor permeability is influenced by the open area of fabrics, porosity and hydraulic diameter of pore and the number of pores, while thermal conductivity is inversely proportional to the open area of woven fabrics. The number of pores are smaller, where there are the greater open area of the fabric, the porosity and the hydraulic diameter of the pores, greater air permeability and the water vapor permeability. For thermal conductivity, the opposite is proportional to the open area.

Keywords:bamboo fibers, cotton, fabric, air permeability, water vapor permeability, thermal conductivity, permeability properties

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