
Možnosti upnika pri vpisu lastninske pravice dolžnika v zemljiško knjigo
ID Koprivnikar, Katja (Author), ID Juhart, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Avtorica obravnava in analizira položaj upnika v primeru izvršbe na nepremičnino dolžnika, ko ni vpisan kot lastnik predmetne nepremičnine v zemljiško knjigo. V situaciji, ko dolžnik nima drugega premoženja kot nepremičnino, mora upnik doseči vpis dolžnikove lastninske pravice v zemljiško knjigo na predmetni nepremični. V dveh dejanskih primerih so opisani praktične situacije in dejansko stanje, v katerih se upnik lahko znajde. Vprašanj je, ali lahko upnik doseže vpis lastninske pravice dolžnika s primerno tožbo. Ugotovijo se tudi možne ovire v izvršilnem postopku, in sicer ko tretji v izvršilnem postopku ugovarja, pri čemer tak ugovor lahko poda tudi dejanski lastnik oziroma t. i. imetnik lastninske pravice v pričakovanju. Osrednji cilj je tako ugotoviti, na kakšen način lahko upnik postopa v izvršilnem postopku in v primeru, ko je prisiljen vložiti ustrezno tožbo. Prikazan je tudi praktični primer ter predstavljena rešitev sodišča, ki se realno pokaže kot vpis lastninske pravice dolžnika v zemljiško knjigo po uspešno zaključenem pravnem postopku. Rešitev namreč upniku ponuja možnost izvršbe na nepremičnino in s tem dosežen cilj poplačila dolga.

Keywords:dejanski lastnik, zemljiškoknjižni lastnik, vpis v zemljiško knjigo, izvršba na nepremičnino, napačen vpis, ugovor tretjega, lastninska pravica v pričakovanju, tožba na podlagi 168. člena ZIZ, vsebina tožbe, postavitev tožbenega zahtevka
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100536 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16063057 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Creditor's possibilities regarding the debtor's entry of the ownership right in the Land Register
The author examines and analyses the position of the creditor in the event of an attachment of the debtor’s immovable property when the latter is not listed as the owner of the relevant immovable property in the land register. In the event that the debtor does not possess any other assets except immovable property, the creditor must see to it that the debtor’s ownership right over the relevant immovable property is entered in the land register. Two real-life cases are used to describe practical situations and the reality that the creditor might have to face. The question is whether the creditor can succeed in having the debtor’s immovable property entered in the land register by bringing an appropriate action. Potential barriers to the execution proceedings are then identified, namely when a third party objects to the execution proceedings, whereby such an objection may also be raised by the actual owner or the so-called holder of the pending ownership right. Thus, the core objective is to determine how the creditor can proceed in the execution proceedings, or when forced to bring an appropriate action. Also shown is a practical example and how it was resolved by a court of law by entering the debtor’s ownership right in the land register following the successful completion of legal proceedings. This solution provides the creditor with the possibility of attachment of immovable property and consequently of achieving the goal of recovering the debt.

Keywords:actual owner, land-register owner, entry in the land register, attachment of immovable property, incorrect entry, third-party objection, pending ownership right, action based on Article 168 of ZIZ*, subject matter of action, initiation of action

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