
Vpliv brušenja premaza kartona na moč lepilne vezi
ID Baloh, Matevž (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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IZVLEČEK V okviru magistrskega dela smo želeli ugotoviti kakšen vpliv ima brušenje, oziroma odstranjevanje premaza kartona, na moč adhezije med zlepljenimi vzorci premazanih kartonov. Izvedli smo več različnih načinov poškodovanja premaza na kartonu zato, da bi se lepilo lažje absorbiralo v karton. S tem bi izboljšali trdnost lepilne vezi in dokazali, da je vložek v ta del lepilnega stroja vsekakor pomemben. Meritve smo opravljali na vzorcih ene vrste premazanega kartona različnih gramatur. Za odstranitev premaza na delu kartona z brušenjem, smo morali razviti postopek s katerim bi lahko enakomerno brusili premaz. Preizkusili smo tri metode: modificirana metoda brušenja na abraziometru, brušenje izvedeno na dinamometru s pomočjo brusnega traku in brušenje s pomočjo električne vrtalke in brusilne krtače. Premaz smo s slednjo metodo uspešno odstranili in osnovno matriko vlaken le načeli, kar je razvidno iz SEM posnetkov površine brušenih kartonov. Poškodba je bila narejena v širini nanosa lepila in samo na mestu kjer se je kasneje lepilo tudi naneslo. S tem smo ohranili trdnost kartona, istočasno pa omogočili, da lepilo takoj pride v stik z vlakni ter se absorbira v strukturo kartona. Zlepljene vzorce kartona smo nato ločili s pomočjo modificirane metode T-test na dinamometru. Če pri tem pride do zatrga v plasti vlaken pod premazom, lahko lepilno vez označimo kot dobro. S srebrno žično krtačo poškodovani premazi kartona nam dajo odlične rezultate, saj smo povprečno silo lepilne vezi izboljšali kar za 10 N. S tem smo lahko potrdili našo hipotezo, da namerno poškodovanje ali odstranitev premaza izboljša moč lepilne vezi. V okviru magistrskega dela smo modificirali eno izmed metod določanja raztrga zlepljenih kartonov in tako dobili ponovljivo metodo za merjenje moči lepilne vezi na dinamometru.

Keywords:Kartonska embalaža, lepljenje, namerno poškodovanje premaza, lepilna vez.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100526 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of brushing coated cartonboard on strength of adhesive bond
ABSTRACT In this master's thesis, we wanted to determine the impact the grinding and removing of the coating of the cardboard has on the strength of adhesion between bonded test pieces of coated cartonboard. We carried out several different ways of damaging the coating, so that the glue could be better absorbed into the cardboard. This would improve the strength of the adhesive bond and prove that investments in this component of the gluing machine is important. The measurements were performed on different grammars of one type of coated catronboard. To grind the coated cartonboard, we had to develop a procedure that could evenly brush or remove the coating. We tested three methods: modified grinding method on the abrasiometer, grinding carried out on a dynamometer using a grinding tape and grinding method that uses an electric drill and a grinding brush. The coating was successfully damaged and removed, the matrix of fibers has only began to damage, as can be seen on the SEM shots. Damages to the cartonboard were made in the width of the application of the adhesive and only in the place where the adhesive was later applied. Doing this, we maintained the strength of the cartonboard, while at the same time allowing the adhesive to immediately come into contact with the fibers and thus be easily and more deeply absorbed into the cardboard. The glued samples were then torn using a modified T-test method on a dynamometer. If a good fiber cracking occurs, the adhesive bond can be labelled as successful. Damaged samples with silver wire brush gave us excellent results, as we increased the mean strength by as much as 10 N. The results of our experiment have confirmed our hypothesis that deliberately damaging or removing the coating improves the strength of the adhesive bond. In this master's thesis we modified one of the methods for determining the split of glued samples and consequently obtained a repeatable method for measuring the force required for the tear on dynamometer.

Keywords:Cardboard packaging, gluing, deliberately damage the coating, adhesive bond.

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