
Razvoj aplikacije na Ethereum verigi blokov
ID MUC, DAVOR (Author), ID Šajn, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Problem, ki sem ga obravnaval v diplomski nalogi, je razvijanje sistema za pomoč podjetjem ali posamezniku v zbiranju sredstev za zagon projekta in izdajo svojega žetona na Ethereum verigi blokov. Sistem pomaga podjetjem, ki so se odločila za zbiranje sredstev s pomočjo Ethereum platforme. Za razvoj aplikacije so se uporabile nove tehnologije, ki predstavljajo naslednjo generacijo svetovnega spleta, ki temelji na decentraliziranih aplikacijah. Predstavljen je razvoj potrebnih pametnih pogodb, namestitev le-teh v verigo blokov ter razlaga delovanja aplikacije. Ethereum je decentralizirana platforma za izdelavo in poganjanje pametnih pogodb ter decentraliziranih aplikacij. Pri razvoju sem spisal pametni pogodbi, ki sem ju namestil v omrežje in izvedel celoten postopek pridobivanja sredstev in izdaje žetonov. Razvoj sem začel izvajati na zasebnem omrežju, nadaljeval, kasneje tudi testiral na Ropsten razvojnem omrežju.

Keywords:Ethereum, veriga blokov, pametne pogodbe, prodaja žetonov.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.03.2018
MUC, DAVOR, 2018, Razvoj aplikacije na Ethereum verigi blokov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 21 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Developing a crowdsale application on Ethereum blockchain
The problem that I discussed in the diploma thesis is developing a system to help businesses or individuals collect funds to start the project and issue their token on the Ethereum blockchain. The system helps companies that have decided to raise funds through the Ethereum platform. For the development of the application, new technologies were introduced, representing the next generation of the World Wide Web based on decentralized applications. The development of the necessary smart contracts, the installation of them in the blockchain and the explanation of the operation of the application is presented. Ethereum is a decentralized platform for creating and running smart contracts and decentralized applications. When developing, I wrote two smart contracts that I deployed on the network and performed the entire process of obtaining funds and issuing tokens. I started developing on a private network and later continued, on a Ropsten test network.

Keywords:Ethereum, blockchain, smart contracts, crowdsale.

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