
Prevajanje pesniške zbirke The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster Richarda Brautigana in problematika literarnega prevajanja : magistrsko delo
ID Romih, Maruša (Author), ID Novak, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Richard Brautigan je eno izmed dobro, a najbrž še vedno ne dovolj poznanih literarnih imen 20. stoletja. Njegova literarna zapuščina je osamelec v takrat prevladujoči beatniški literaturi; predstavlja specifično poetiko, ki pred njegovim ustvarjanjem še ni bila odkrita. Ekscentričnost, ki jo je Brautigan nosil v sebi, je pripomogla k nastanku enih izmed najbolj unikatnih in prepoznavnih literarnih del tistega časa, ki so aktualna še danes. Brautigan nikoli ni stremel k temu, da bi ugajal svojemu času in se skladal s takratnimi trendi, tako v literaturi kot izven nje, česar pa ni počel namenoma. Izstopal je, ker je ostajal zvest sebi. Najbolj ga je zaznamovalo otroštvo, intenzivno pa je doživljal stvari vse življenje. Oboje se zrcali v njegovi literaturi, zaradi česar je tudi njegovo življenje izrednega pomena in zato precej podrobno predstavljeno. Brautiganova dela v Sloveniji še niso dosegla splošne prepoznavnosti in tudi zaradi tega sem se odločila, da njegovo pesniško zbirko prevedem v celoti. Poglavitni razlog za to je bila sama genialnost in edinstvenost avtorja ter njegovih del in večno vprašanje prevoda poezije. Literarni prevod že dolgo pesti prevajalce in ustvarjalce originalnih del, prevajanje poezije pa je še posebej kompleksno. Pesmi ni mogoče prevajati dobesedno niti samo po smislu. Potrebno je najti neko srednjo pod, na katero vpliva ogromno dejavnikov - bližina jezikov, podobnost forme, kulturno ozadje, aktualnost poezije... Najbolj ključen akter, ki je pogojen z vsemi dejavniki, je prevajalec sam, saj je končni izdelek na koncu odvisen od njega.

Keywords:ameriška poezija, prevodi v slovenščino, literarno prevajanje, bolonjski magisterij
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Romih]
Number of pages:169 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100292 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.111(73).09-1Brautigan R.:81'255-4=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:60886370 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.03.2018
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Secondary language

Richard Brautigan is one of the well, yet still not well enough known literary names of the 20 th century. His literary legacy stands out among then prevailing Beat Generation literature. His style is very specific, and there was no such writing before his time. Brautigan's eccentricity added to the creation of some of the most remarkable literary writings of that period, and these works are still popular today. Brautigan never strove for approval or aimed to meet the standards of his era, which was visible in his personal life and his writings. He was not trying to stand out, he stood out because he remained faithful to himself. His tough childhood marked Brautigan for life, but despite of that he was very sensual and observant, which can be seen and felt in his literature. Brautigan's life is an important factor in the creation of his works, and that is why a fair amount of this thesis focuses on it. Because Brautigan's works are practically unknown in Slovenia I decided to translate the complete collection The Pill versus the Springhill Mine Disaster. The main reasons for choosing this topic were the very genius and eccentricity of Richard Brautigan, his unique works, and the eternal question of the poetry translation. The literary translation is a problem for translators and authors themselves. Translating poetry is labelled as the most complex section of the literary translation. Poems cannot be translated verbatim, nor can they be translated only by sense. It is necessary to find the middle way which is influenced by many factors - the proximity of languages, the similarity of the form, the cultural backgrounds, the relevance of poetry ... The most crucial agent, influenced by all of the above listed factors, is the author themself, since the final product, the very translation, depends solely on them.

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