
Učinki inovativnega didaktičnega pristopa na razvoj likovne ustvarjalnosti pri grafičnem oblikovanju v srednji šoli
ID Kač Nemanič, Martina (Author), ID Duh, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vogrinc, Janez (Comentor)

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Teoretični del vsebuje obravnavo značilnosti behaviorističnih, kognitivnih, konstruktivističnih in humanističnih teorij učenja ter poučevanja. Preučili smo definicije ustvarjalnosti različnih avtorjev in kriterije ustvarjalnosti ter v okviru značilnosti likovne ustvarjalnosti dejavnike likovne ustvarjalnosti. Posebna pozornost je namenjena razvijanju likovne apreciacije. Preučili smo značilnosti percepiranja in recepiranja umetniških del, programe za opazovanje umetniških del s srednješolci oz. faze apreciacije in cilje razvoja apreciacije. Osvetlili smo didaktični pomen oblik in metod dela; osredotočili smo se na pojmovno določitev učnih metod in klasifikacijo učnih metod ter značilnosti splošnih in specifičnih metod pri likovnem pouku. Pri obravnavanju vloge didaktične komunikacije smo opredelili pojem didaktična komunikacija, njene značilnosti in vrste didaktične komunikacije ter preučili njeno vlogo in pomen. V empiričnem delu je zasnovan didaktični eksperiment. Predmet raziskave je preizkus inovativnega pristopa učenja in poučevanja oz. posodobitev učenja ter poučevanja v praksi. Uporabili smo metodo empiričnega pedagoškega raziskovanja z obliko enofaktorskega eksperimenta. Modaliteti sta predstavljali različne didaktične metode; po eni strani klasične, po drugi pa eksperimentalne metode dela. Eksperimentalni program se je od kontrolnega razlikoval v inovativnem pristopu učenja in poučevanja. Ta je osnovan na sklopu didaktičnih odločitev: ustrezni uporabi, razmerju in dinamičnem prepletanju splošnih ter specifičnih metod dela, oblik in izbiri medijev ter ustrezni didaktični komunikaciji. Merjenje začetnega stanja je pokazalo, da so v raziskovanju zajete skupine dijakov v vseh raziskovalno pomembnih značilnostih izenačene oziroma zelo primerljive. Analiza rezultatov zaključnega merjenja, ki je bila izvedena z Mann Whitneyjev U-preizkusom za neodvisne vzorce, pa je pokazala statistično pomembno boljše rezultate dijakov eksperimentalne skupine. Preučili smo učinkovitost eksperimenta z vidika splošne likovne ustvarjalnosti, ravni ustvarjalnega razvoja kot specifičnega učinka ter z vidika razvoja skupnih likovnih zmožnosti kot globalnega učinka. Zanimal nas je tudi odnos dijakov do pouka grafičnega oblikovanja in sicer stališča in mnenja dijakov o značilnostih predmeta Grafično oblikovanje in stališča dijakov o zadovoljstvu z metodami, oblikami in didaktično komunikacijo. Tudi v tem primeru je bila analiza rezultatov izvedena z Mann Whitneyjev U-preizkusom za neodvisne vzorce, ki je prav tako pokazala statistično pomembno boljše rezultate dijakov eksperimentalne skupine. Rezultati raziskave so potrdili postavljene hipoteze o pozitivnem učinku uporabe inovativnega pristopa učenja in poučevanja pri grafičnem oblikovanju v srednji šoli na razvoj ustvarjalnosti, osnovanem na sklopu didaktičnih odločitev, to je: uporabi in razmerju splošnih in specifičnih metod dela, oblik ter izbire medijev in ustrezni didaktični komunikaciji. Prav tako smo potrdili pozitiven učinek eksperimentalnega programa na odnos dijakov. Izsledki raziskave naj bi pripomogli k oblikovanju modela za načrtovanje in izvajanje pouka grafičnega oblikovanja ter smernic o izobraževanju učiteljev za njegovo učinkovito poučevanje.

Keywords:grafično oblikovanje
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100277 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11947081 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of an innovative teaching approach to the development of artistic creativity in graphic design in high school
In this dissertation, we conducted the research of the effects of an innovative teaching approach to the development of artistic creativity in graphic design course in high school. In the theoretical part, the characteristics of behavioural, cognitive, constructivist and humanistic theories of learning and teaching were considered. We also presented definitions of creativity by different authors as well as the criteria of creativity, and, in the context of the characteristics of artistic creativity, the artistic creativity factors. Special attention was paid to the development of art appreciation. We studied the characteristics of perception and reception of artworks, artwork observation programs for secondary school students, as well as appreciation phases and objectives of development of appreciation. We highlighted the importance of teaching forms and methods of work; we focused on the conceptual determination of teaching methods and classification of teaching methods, as well as the characteristics of general and specific methods in art classes. Having considered the role of the teaching communication, we defined the concept of the teaching communication, its characteristics and types of the teaching communication and we also examined its role and importance. In the empirical part, a teaching experiment was conducted. The object of research was to test an innovative approach to teaching and learning, i.e. to modernize learning and teaching in practice. We used the method of empirical educational research in the form of a single-factor experiment. The modalities were representing various teaching methods; on the one hand classic methods, and on the other hand experimental methods of work. The experimental program differed from the control program in term of the innovative approach to learning and teaching. It was based on a set of teaching factors: appropriate application, proportion and the dynamic interweaving of the general and specific methods of work, the forms and the choice of media and the corresponding teaching communication. The measurement of the initial situation confirmed that the research included all groups of students having equal or very similar research-relevant characteristics. Analysis of the results of the final measurement that was performed using the Mann-Whitney U Test for independent samples, showed, however, statistically significant better results in students in the experimental group. We examined the effectiveness of the experiment in terms of the overall artistic creativity, at the level of creative development as a specific effect as well as in terms of the development of overall artistic capabilities as a global effect. We were also interested in the attitude of students toward the graphic design teaching, i.e. their views and opinions about the characteristics of the graphic design course as well as in their satisfaction with teaching methods and forms of work and teaching communication. In this case as well, the analysis of the results which was performed using the Mann-Whitney U Test for independent samples, showed statistically significant better results in students in the experimental group. The research results confirmed the hypotheses about the positive impact of the use of innovative teaching and learning approaches in graphic design in secondary school on the development of creativity, based on a set of teaching factors, e.g.: appropriate application and proportion of the general and specific methods of work, the forms and the choice of media and the corresponding teaching communication. We also confirmed the positive effect of the experimental program on the attitude of students. The research results should contribute to the creation of a model for the planning and implementation of graphic design teaching and the teacher education guidelines for effective teaching.

Keywords:Graphic design

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