
Problemi pri prevajanju bosanskega pesnika Abdulaha Sidrana v slovenski jezik : magistrsko delo
ID Mujanović, Indira (Author), ID Novak, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Bosna in Hercegovina je stara država, ki je že pred stoletji kreirala svoj lastni jezik. V tej državi živi mnogo narodov, predvsem pa: Bošnjaki, Srbi in Hrvati. Država se je z Daytonskim sporazumom leta 1995 razdelila na dva dela; od takrat 49 procentov države spada pod Republiko Srbsko. Na 51 procentih pa živijo bosanski muslimani, bosanski katoliki in bosanski pravoslavci (tako se sami opredeljujejo). Glavno mesto - Sarajevo - je pravcati konglomerat različnih kultur, verstev in opredelitev. Po dolgoletni vojni se je v državi začela afirmacija bosanskega jezika, katerega so po avstro-ogrskem dekretu pred prvo svetovno vojno "ukinili". Pomembno delo v tej smeri, je delo Alije Isakovića, ki je napisal Slovar bosanskega jezika, da bi dal usmeritev ostalim, ki se želijo ukvarjati s tem jezikom z dolgo zgodovino. V tem času nastajajo tudi pomembna pesniška dela, ki opisujejo grozote vojne in človeku najpristnejši nagon po preživetju. 1993. leta je v Sarajevu izšla zbirka Sarajevski tabut, pesmi ki so nastale skozi leta obleganja Sarajeva. Tu sem se srečala s prevodi te zbirke in s problemom prevoda samega. Kako prevesti poezijo, za katero marsikdo meni, da je zaradi svoje narave neprevedljiva, ne da bi izgubili duh pesmi, poudarke, metrum, stil ... Prevod ne more biti dobeseden, saj se jeziki med seboj močno razlikujejo, in v primeru, da gre za dobesedni prevod, pride do tega, da se pesem skazi, popači, njene globine pa ni moč videti. Ravno tako pesmi ni možno prevesti samo po smislu - v tem primeru lahko pride do prevelikih odstopanj, zaradi česar nastane adaptacija, kar pa ne ustreza več izvorni pesmi. Kako prevesti nekatere besede kot so: tabut, eto/evo/eno, sehara itd. pa tudi kakšne bolj sodobne besede pa je del te naloge in glavni problem.

Keywords:bošnjaška književnost, bošnjaška poezija, bošnjaški jezik, literarno prevajanje, prevodi v slovenščino, bolonjski magisterij
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Mujanović]
Number of pages:311 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100270 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.163.4(497.6).09-1Sidran A.:81'255.4=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:58375778 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.03.2018
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Secondary language

Bosnia and Herzegovina is an old country in which people have been creating their own unique language for centuries. Many nations live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but mostly Bosnians, Serbs and Croats. In 1995 the Dayton Agreement parted the country in two; since then the 49% of the country belong under the Republic of Serbia. The other 51% are inhabited by the Bosnian Muslims, Bosnian Catholics and Bosnian members of the Orthodox Church - as they define themselves. Sarajevo, the capital city, is a conglomerate of various cultures and religions. The affirmation of the Bosnian language started after the long years of war. Before the World War I this language was almost abolished. Alija Isaković made an important move for the revitalization of the Bosnian language by writing Riječnik bosanskog jezika in order to help the others who want to research this language with a long history. Important poetry works describing the horrors of the war and the most basic human survival instinct were also written during this time. Sarajevski tabut, a poetry collection, was published in 1993 in Sarajevo. Poems that were written during the siege of Sarajevo are gathered in this collection. Here, for the first time, I was encountered with the problems of translation itself. How to translate poetry - for which many think is untranslatable due to its nature - without losing the essence of the poem, stresses, meter, style ... The translation cannot be literal, since the languages radically differ from one another. In the case of word-for-word translations poems are disfigured and their depth cannot be seen anymore. Poems cannot be translated just by sense - in this case we can witness predominant deviations that create an adaptation which no longer suits the original poem. The main focus of this thesis is the translation of words such as: tabut, eto/evo/eno, sehara etc., and some of more contemporary words.

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