
Prezadolžena zapuščina in stečaj zapuščine
ID Borsellino, Filip (Author), ID Žnidaršič Skubic, Viktorija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3F8426DADED391264FDBC4B2B7CDC960
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/daa0c167-d4ca-4dba-8f91-ca9562bb4c82

V današnjem času je zadolženost prebivalstva precejšen problem. S smrtjo prezadolžene osebe se to odraža tudi na področju dedovanja, saj imamo v takih primerih opravka s prezadolženim zapustnikom. V našem pravnem redu je odgovornost dedičev za dolgove zapustnika sicer zakonsko urejena v Zakonu o dedovanju (ZD), vendar kljub temu do leta 2008 v takšnih situacijah enakopravno obravnavanje upnikov zapustnika ni bilo omogočeno. Omenjenega leta se je to spremenilo, saj je zakonodajalec z Zakonom o finančnem poslovanju, postopkih zaradi insolventnosti in prisilnem prenehanju (ZFPPIPP) sprejel institut stečaja zapuščine, katerega glavni namen je hkratno in sorazmerno poplačilo upnikov zapustnika. Magistrsko diplomsko delo predstavlja in kritično obravnava glavne značilnosti tega instituta. Njegovo razumevanje, predvsem vprašanj, povezanih z vsebino stečajne mase, je lažje ob poznavanju temeljnih pravil o odgovornosti dedičev za dolgove zapustnika, zato je na začetku nekaj pozornosti namenjene tej tematiki. V praksi se lahko zgodi, da dedičev po zapustniku ne bo ali pa bodo ti sicer obstajali, vendar iz različnih razlogov ne bodo dedovali. V takih primerih imamo opravka z zapuščino brez dedičev in magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava odgovornost za dolgove zapustnika in izvedbo stečaja zapuščine tudi v tovrstnih situacijah. V slovenskem pravnem redu je dolgo časa veljalo pravilo, da je v takšnih primerih zapuščina prisilno prešla na državo in posledično se ta odgovornosti za dolgove zapustnika ni mogla izogniti. To se je spremenilo leta 2013 z novelo ZFPPIPP-E, ki je državi dala možnost, da je svojo odgovornost omejila. Leta 2016 je z novelo ZD-C ponovno prišlo do spremembe. Ta je odgovornost države za dolgove zapustnika še dodatno omejila, v določenih primerih pa jo celo izključuje. Zaradi sprememb na tem področju je ta tematika predstavljena kronološko, obenem pa so predstavljene tudi kritike aktualne ureditve.

Keywords:odgovornost dedičev za dolgove zapustnika, stečaj zapuščine, zapuščina brez dedičev, odgovornost države za dolgove zapustnika, stečaj zapuščine brez dedičev.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100268 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16101713 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Overindebted legacy and the bankruptcy of legacy
Nowadays, indebtedness of the population is a relatively significant problem. With the death of an individual this reflects also in the field of inheritance as in such situations, we are dealing with an overindebted deceased person. Although the liability of heirs for the testator's debts is regulated in the Slovenian Inheritance Act (ZD), it was not until 2008 that equal treatment of all creditors of the deceased in situations, when a person passed away overindebted, was enabled. As already mentioned, this changed in 2008 when the Slovenian legislator via the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Winding-up Act (ZFPPIPP) accepted an institute called the bankruptcy of legacy, the main purpose of which is simultaneous and equivalent repayment of creditors of the deceased person. The Master's Thesis presents and critically deals with the general characteristics of this institute. Its understanding, especially questions regarding bankruptcy assets, is easier once we understand the basic principles of the liability of heirs for the testator's debts. Therefore at the beginning, some attention is dedicated to this topic. Situations, in which the deceased has no heirs, or conversely if the deceased has heirs but they do not inherit due to different circumstances, can also occur. In such cases we are dealing with the so-called estate without an heir. The Master's Thesis deals also with the liability for the testator's debts and the execution of insolvency of legacy in such cases. For a long time a rule has been observed in the Slovenian legal order by which in such cases the estate passed to the state by force. Consequently, this resulted in the fact that its liability for the testator's debts was unavoidable. This changed in 2013 as ZFPPIPP-E granted the state a chance to limit its liability. In 2016, another change occurred with ZD-C which limited its liability even further, and in some circumstances it even excludes it. Due to these changes, the topic is represented chronologically and, at the same time, the main criticism of the current regulation is highlighted.

Keywords:liability of heirs for testator's debts, bankruptcy of legacy, estate without an heir, liability of state for testator's debts, bankruptcy of legacy without an heir.

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