
Upravljanje in razpolaganje s stvarnim premoženjem države
ID Longar, Urša (Author), ID Pirnat, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 08DD698261D397BE988F5C73D4A53F40
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e7e8b143-0926-418b-990b-2772ecad96cc

Področje stvarnega premoženja države je vrednostno med najobsežnejšimi, zato je kompleksna tudi ureditev področja upravljanja in razpolaganja s tem premoženjem. Država mora pri ravnanjih s stvarnim premoženja ravnati racionalno in transparentno ter pri tem uresničevati javni interes. Na področju predpisnega urejanja država posebno pozornost posveča nepremičnemu premoženju, saj je ekonomsko najpomembnejše. Prvotna ureditev je zaradi nesistematičnosti in številnih pomanjkljivosti pripeljala do težav v praksi, ki so se kazale zlasti v ne-transparentnosti upravljanja, neprilagodljivosti številnih upravljalcev tržnim spremembam, dolgotrajnosti postopkov in administrativni zapletenosti. Problem izrazito decentraliziranega upravljanja, katerega rezultat je bila neenotnost in nepreglednost ravnanj velikega števila upravljalcev, je v praksi onemogočalo usklajeno, efektivno in optimalno ekonomsko nepremičninsko politiko. Vse to je pripeljala do potrebe po ustanovitvi pravne osebe javnega prava – Javnega nepremičninskega sklada, ki naj bi enotno in gospodarno upravljal nepremičninsko premoženje države. Razloge za neuspeh vzpostavitve centraliziranega sistema upravljanja nepremičninskega premoženja države, lahko iščemo predvsem v tem, da je bila vzpostavitev sistema izredno zahteven organizacijski in logistični projekt, postavljen v čas gospodarske krize. Državne aktivnosti so bile v tistem času varčevalno naravnane pa tudi obseg neurejenega nepremičninskega premoženja je bil negotov in mnogo obsežnejši, kot so sprva pričakovali.

Keywords:Ravnanja, stvarno premoženje, upravljanje, razpolaganje, nepremično premoženje, načela ravnanja, država, upravljalci, nepremičninski sklad
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100252 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:144909315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Management and disposal of physical assets of the state
The area of physical assets of the state is among the most extensive in value; therefore, the regulation of the area of management and disposal of these assets is complex. When dealing with physical assets, the state must act rationally and transparently and thus pursue the public interest. In the area of regulation, the state pays special attention to the real estate, since it is economically most important. Due to unsystematicity and many deficiencies, the original arrangement led to problems in practice, which were reflected in particular in the non-transparency of management, the inflexibility of many managers for market changes, the length of procedures and administrative complexity. The problem of highly decentralised management, the result of which was the non-uniformity and non-transparency of the conduct of a large number of managers, in practice prevented a coordinated, effective and optimal economic real estate policy. All the above led to the need to establish a legal entity governed by public law - the Public Real Estate Fund which should uniformly and rationally manage the real estate assets of the state. The reasons for the failure to establish a centralised system for managing the real estate assets of the state can be found in the fact that the establishment of the system was an extremely demanding organisational and logistical project set up in the time of the economic crisis. At that time, government activities were cost-saving and the extent of unregulated real estate assets was uncertain and much more extensive than was originally thought.

Keywords:Conduct, physical assets, management, disposal, real estate assets, principles of conduct, state, managers, real estate fund

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