
Vpliv izbranih zdravilnih učinkovin na vezavo bilirubina na serumski albumin
ID Arčan, Ane Mary (Author), ID Žiberna, Lovro (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A8EA77F8D54D2A0C5532EC193D3A5E89
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3c612394-8bb4-407e-8e9f-2a1c2946aede

Bilirubin je katabolni produkt hema, ki je sestavni del hemoglobina, mioglobina, citokromov, katalaze in peroksidaze. V celicah se hem s hem oksigenazami pretvarja v biliverdin in slednji z biliverdin reduktazo v bilirubin. Pri zdravih ljudeh je vrednost celokupnega bilirubina v krvi med 5 in 17 µM. Bilirubin je lipofilna molekula, ki se ob prihodu v kri nekovalentno veže na serumsko beljakovino albumin. Nastane vodotopen kompleks albumin-bilirubin, ki potuje po krvi. Nevezanega oz. prostega bilirubina je v serumu zelo malo, pri zdravih ljudeh okoli 10 nM, vendar je v ravnovesju z bilirubinom, vezanim na albumin. Prevelike koncentracije bilirubina delujejo nevrotoksično in lahko povzročijo okvaro osrednjega živčevja pri novorojenčkih (kernikterus) ali pri odraslih z odpovedjo jeter (bilirubinska encefalopatija). Nekatere zdravilne učinkovine lahko prek kompetitivne interakcije z bilirubinom na vezavnih mestih na albuminu povzročijo sproščanje bilirubina. Tako se lahko poveča koncentracija prostega bilirubina v krvi. V nalogi nam je s štirimi metodami uspelo dokazati, da med bilirubinom in ibuprofenom prihaja do kompeticije za vezavo na albumin in da ibuprofen izpodriva bilirubin z vezavnega mesta. Ugotovili smo, da ima podoben učinek izpodrivanja bilirubina z vezavnega mesta na albuminu tudi ketoprofen, ki je strukturno sorodna molekula. Zasnovali smo ogrodje modela, s katerim bi lahko v prihodnosti izvajali visokozmogljive metode rešetanja spojin (angl. high-throughput screening) in identificirali zdravilne učinkovine, ki vplivajo na vezavo bilirubina na albumin. Zaenkrat namreč nimamo popolnega znanja o tem, katere zdravilne učinkovine lahko povzročijo interakcijo z bilirubinom na vezavnem mestu na albuminu.

Keywords:bilirubin, albumin, hiperbilirubinemija, Gilbertov sindrom, kernikterus, zlatenica, hepatična encefalopatija, zaščitno delovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100248 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4664399 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The effects of the selected drug substances on bilirubin binding to serum albumin
Bilirubin is a catabolic product of hem, which is an integral part of haemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochrome, catalase and peroxidase. Hem is catalysed to biliverdin through heme-oxygenase, which in turn is reduced to bilirubin by biliverdin reductase, in the cells. In healthy people the total amount of bilirubin in serum is normally between 5 and 17 µM. Bilirubin is a lipophilic molecule which, in blood, is non-covalently bound to the serum protein albumin. Polar complex albumin-bilirubin is made and transported through the blood. In healthy people, approximately 10 nM of unbound or free bilirubin exists in serum; this is, however, in equlibrium with bilirubin bound to albumin. Higher concentrations of bilirubin have a neurotoxic effect in newborns (kernicterus) or in adults with serious liver failure (bilirubin encephalopathy). Some drugs can cause the release of bilirubin through competitive interaction with bilirubin on the albumin binding sites. This can increase the free bilirubin concentration. This thesis demonstrates competition between bilirubin and ibuprofen for the binding site of albumin by employing four different experimental methods. Moreover, we also show that ibuprofen displaced bilirubin from the albumin binding site. We found that ketoprofen (a drug similar to ibuprofen), has the same ability to displace bilirubin from the binding site, as ibuprofen. We designed a model with the potential to implement high-throughput screening for the identification of drugs that interact with bilirubin-albumin binding mechanism. Presently, there is a gap of knowledge in interaction of different drugs to albumin binding sites.

Keywords:bilirubin, albumin, hyperbilirubinemia, Gilbert's syndrome, kernicterus, icterus, hepatic encephalopathy, protective function

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