
Določitev velikosti nujnega deleža
ID Hančič, Nina (Author), ID Žnidaršič Skubic, Viktorija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A10D78583BBB190E1A3EE6134F78D54C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7b496cd0-c624-42a9-9cb7-a8e38d92f1f0

Svoboda oporočnega razpolaganja je v slovenskem pravnem redu vsebinsko omejena z ustanovo nujnega dedovanja. Zapustnik je v razpolaganjih s svojim premoženjem omejen tako za primer smrti, kot za časa življenja. Velikost nujnega deleža se namreč ne ugotavlja na podlagi čiste vrednosti zapuščine, pač pa na podlagi obračunske vrednosti zapuščine, pri kateri se čisti vrednosti zapuščine doda tudi vrednost nekaterih daril, ki jih je zapustnik podaril za časa svojega življenja. Zakon natančno določa osebe z lastnostjo nujnega dediča, pripadajoče kvote in način ugotovitve končne vrednosti skupnega in posameznega nujnega deleža. V praksi pogosto prihaja do sporov o obstoju pravice do nujnega deleža, o izpolnjevanju zakonsko določenih pogojev, o tem ali določeno premoženje spada v zapuščino zapustnika ter o namenu in naravi posameznih pravnih poslov zapustnika, ki so pomembni za ugotavljanje velikosti nujnega deleža. Teoretiki opozarjajo na preširoko določen krog oseb, ki so upravičene do nujnega deleža ter na togost zakonsko določenih kvot. S pomočjo zakonodaje drugih evropskih držav, mnenji ter predlogi teorije, so v nalogi navedeni predlogi možnih sprememb. Predlogi gredo predvsem v smeri oženja kroga nujnih dedičev, omogočanja prilagajanja velikosti posameznega nujnega deleža, upoštevanja finančne preskrbljenosti nujnega dediča in upoštevanja dejstva spremenjenih družbenih razmer in družinskih odnosov.

Keywords:nujni delež, svoboda testiranja, čista vrednost zapuščine, obračunska vrednost zapuščine, darilo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100206 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16100689 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Determination of the size of compulsory portion
In Slovenian legal order, the freedom of testamentary disposal is restricted in substance by institution of the necessary inheritance. In disposition oh his property, the decedent is limited both, in the case of death as for the time of life as the size of the compulsory portion is not determined on the basis of the net value of the legacy, but on the calculated value at which some of the gifts that decedent had given during his lifetime are added to the net value of the legacy. The Law specifies persons with the characteristic of a forced heir, the corresponding quota and the method of determining the final value of the total and individual compulsory portion. In practice, there often arise disputes about the existence of the right to a compulsory portion, the fulfillment of the statutary conditions, whether the particular property belongs to the legacy of the deceased and on the purpose and nature of individual legal transactions of the deceased that are important in determining the size of the compulsory portion. Theorists draw attention to a rather wide range of people who are entitled to a compulsory portion and to the stiffness of the statutory quotas. With the help of the legislation of other European countries, opinions and propositions of the theory, the paper presents proposals for possible changes. The proposals are leaning towards narrowing of the circle of forced heirs, allowing the adjustment of the size of each compulsory portion, taking into account the financial provision of the forced heir and in towards taking into account the fact of changed social conditions and family relationships.

Keywords:compulsory portion, the freedom of testamentary disposal, the net value of the legacy, the calculated value of the legacy, gift

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