Government regulates social normes through political guidelines with different governments came different ideologies and within society various etical and moral standards were developed. Hence to a good preserved knowledge about American history and its colourfulness, we are able to see how a country is developed and how different political parties can influence society and with what means it does. Sport is one of those mechanisms, which was in the begging used as fun and socializing, later for fighting for equal right between races, gender and other significant purposes, with the beginning of the 20th century in surpased state borders and was used to show superiority over other states and governance on a global level.
The theisis researches politics and box development as disciplines which influenced Africanamerican development in USA society, and displays milestones in history where the two started to entangle. Politics are activities associated with the governence of a country or area, especially the dabate between parties having power. Sport has many definitions, one of the simpler ones is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes angainst another or others for entertainment, pleasure and prizes. In the theisis itself we conclude how sport becomes an mechanism of developing society and politics in the USA.
Firstly I sum up the history of America and how it evolves to become USA, it is vital for the understanding of political and social sphere. I make a timeline with important occurrences which led to bigger attention given sport, sports manifestations and athletes them self. Adding to that I give insight to milestones which led to the development of USA. Secondly I try to display the correlation between politics and sport success through African American athlete in big international events, as are Olympic Games and other global Championships. In the end I compare historycal development with todays situation, which is taking place around sport.