
ID LEBAN, MIHAEL (Author), ID Stare, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/07f05e68-f6fe-4c82-ad7e-c35c3be84350

V letu 2016 je Varstveno delovni center Nova Gorica (v nadaljevanju VDC Nova Gorica) obeležil deseto obletnico delovanja. Ob tem jubileju želim predstaviti poslovanje tega zavoda od njegove ustanovitve, kritično ovrednotiti njegov razvoj in prikazati način poslovanja kot primer dobre prakse delovanja in rasti varstveno delovnih centrov v Sloveniji. Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati vzroke, ki so privedli do spremembe osnovnega koncepta programa VDC Nova Gorica, zaradi katerega je bil ustanovljen, ter primerjati zastavljene vsakoletne cilje z doseženim razvojem in delovanjem. Študija primera delovanja VDC Nova Gorica je prikazala vpliv denarnih sredstev na spremembo poslovne politike – od negativnega poslovnega rezultata v prvih letih delovanja pa do prve širitve programov poslovanja in izgradnje dodatne infrastrukture, rasti zaposlovanja ter povečanja virov financiranja. Širjenje poslovanja je prispevalo k vključenosti VDC Nova Gorica v širše lokalno okolje. Z vsesplošno širitvijo delovanja pa se je povečalo tudi zanimanje širše javnosti, kar dokazujejo objave v lokalnih medijih, vključenost občin in priznanja ministrstva, pristojnega za socialno varstvo. Diplomsko delo prispeva k dodatni prepoznavnosti VDC Nova Gorica ne samo v lokalnem okolju ampak tudi na državni ravni, način poslovanja VDC Nova Gorica pa je predstavljen kot primer dobre prakse, ki bi jo lahko prevzeli tudi drugi varstveno delovni centri v Sloveniji. VDC Nova Gorica je v sistemu socialnega varstva pomemben akter pri zagotavljanju in dostopnosti storitev ter kakovostni skrbi za upravičence in zaposlene.

Keywords:varstveno delovni center, poslovna politika, zdravstveni absentizem, socialno varstvene storitve, socialno varstveni programi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.03.2018
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The occupational activity center Varstveno delovni center Nova Gorica (hereafter referred to as VDC Nova Gorica) celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2016. To mark this occasion, I would like to present to you the center from its establishment on, critically evaluate its development, and demonstrate its operational model as an example of good operational practice and growth of occupational activity centers in Slovenia. The aim of this thesis is to examine the causes that have brought about a change in the original core concept of the VDC Nova Gorica’s operational program, for which the center was established in the first place, and to compare set annual objectives with actual results and progress achieved. The case study of the operation of VDC Nova Gorica has demonstrated the influence of the funds on the change in the operational policy – from negative operational result in the first years to the first expanding of operational programs, construction of additional infrastructure, recruitment growth, and an increase in the sources of funding. The growth in operation has contributed to the VDC Nova Gorica’s greater involvement in the broader local environment. The expansion of activities has increased the interest of the general public, which is reflected in the local media news, involvement of municipalities, and awards from the ministry responsible for social security. The thesis contributes to the greater recognition of the VDC Nova Gorica not only at the local but also at the national level, while presenting its operational model as an example of good practice that could be implemented by other Slovenian occupational activity centers. The VDC Nova Gorica is an important factor in the social security system by providing services, ensuring their accessibility, and providing high-quality care for beneficiaries and the staff.

Keywords:occupational activity center, operational policy, health-related absenteeism, social security services, social security programs

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