
Analiza principa pozicioniranja rotacijske mize pri robotizirani celici
ID Jezeršek, Dominik (Author), ID Duhovnik, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je prikazan potek razvoja rešitve za odpravljanje neželenih pomikov na pozicionirni napravi RWV2-MxR, katero podjetje Yaksawa Ristro d. o. o. vgrajuje v svoje robotske sisteme. Reševanja obravnavane problematike smo se lotili s pridobivanjem znanja o pozicionirni napravi. V ta namen je na začetku magistrskega dela natančno predstavljena funkcija in zgradba naprave ter problem in njegov vpliv na delovni proces robotskega sistema. Sledi predstavitev vhodnih podatkov, na katerih temelji snovanje končne rešitve. Zasnova rešitve je potekala v šestih korakih, in sicer s pripravo konstrukcijske naloge, funkcijske strukture, morfološke matrike, z zasnovo konceptov, vrednotenjem konceptov in predstavitvijo osnutka končne rešitve. V šestih korakih smo tako prišli do osnutka, ki problematiko neželenih pomikov rešuje s pomočjo zaklepnega mehanizma. Sledi dimenzioniranje, kjer smo s pomočjo analitičnih in numeričnih metod določili ustrezne materiale in trdnostno vrednotili konstrukcijo. Trdnostna analiza je bila izvedena tako za dinamični obremenitveni primer, kot tudi za statični, saj smo tako lahko zagotovili zahtevano življenjsko dobo in zadostno varnost tudi v primeru ekstremnih obremenitev. Uporabnost rešitve v praksi smo dokazali s pomočjo meritev med obratovanjem pozicionirne naprave in vgrajenim zaklepnim mehanizmom. Z rešitvijo smo dosegli želene rezultate, ki so primerni za uporabo v bodočih pozicionirnih napravah tipa RWV2-MxR.

Keywords:zaklepni mehanizem, robot, pozicionirna naprava, Yaskawa, konstrukcijski proces, dimenzioniranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100169 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.03.2018
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Title:Analysis principle of positioning the rotational table in a robotized cell
The master thesis shows the development of the solution for eliminating unwanted movements on positioning device RWV2-MxR, which company Yaskawa Ristro d.o.o integrated in their robot systems. We started to solve the problem by gathering our knowledge about positioning devices. That is why there is presented a precise present structure of the positioning device, its functionality, the problem and its impact on the working process of the robot system in the beginning of this master thesis. Thereafter, there is a presentation of input data, on which the design is based for the final solution. The design of the solution was carried out in six steps, which began with the preparation of a design task, followed by the creation of a functional structure, morphological matrix, design of the concepts, evaluation of concepts and the final step is a presentation of the draft solution. With these six steps we found the draft of the final solution, which solved the problem of the unwanted movements with the locking mechanism. Next explanation is dimension, where we determined the appropriate materials and verified the strength adequacy of the construction using analytic and numerical methods. Strength analysis was carried out for dynamic load case as well as for static case, because this was the only way to ensure the required lifetime and sufficient safety even in case of extreme loads. The usefulness of the solution in practice has been demonstrated with measurements during the operation of the positioning device with mounted locking mechanism. With this solution we achieved the desired results, which means that this solution is useful for application in future positioning devices type RWV2-MxR.

Keywords:locking mechanism, robot, positioning device, Yaskawa, construction process, dimensioning

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