
Analiza vpliva temperature kalandriranja na mehanske lastnosti polimerne folije z uporabo nevronskih mrež
ID Kuzmič, Bojan (Author), ID Govekar, Edvard (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Slemenik Perše, Lidija (Comentor)

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MD5: 61C79DBE69916C97F31DB6C0B2AEA9A7
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/36685441-0c16-47ce-b019-034ef316a148

Kalandriranje je industrijski proces, ki se zadnje čase veliko uporablja za izdelavo polimernih folij. Pri tem procesu zmehčan polimer ali polimerna talina vstopa v kalander, običajno sestavljen iz treh (ali več) gretih valjev. Valji v zaporedju z izbrano silo in temperaturo delujejo na vstopni polimer ter ga preoblikujejo v folijo želenih mehanskih lastnosti. Na mehanske lastnosti polimerne folije, ki so pomembne za nadaljnje preoblikovanje folije v končne izdelke, poleg številnih parametrov značilno vplivamo s krmiljenjem temperature valjev, ki določa temperaturo materiala v času potovanja med valji. V nalogi smo raziskali vpliv temperature valjev na mehanske lastnosti, kot sta elastični modul in trdota polipropilenske folije, ki smo ju določili s pomočjo nanoindentacije. Vpliv temperature valjev na mehanske lastnosti folije smo potrdili s statistično metodo ANOVA. Z uporabo nevronskih mrež večplastnega perceptrona in radialne bazne funkcije smo izdelali empirični model vpliva temperatur valjev na končne mehanske lastnosti izdelka. Potrjena možnost modeliranja lastnosti kalandiranega izdelka z nevronskimi mrežami je osnova za nadaljnje izboljšave in optimizacijo parametrov procesa kalandriranja.

Keywords:nevronske mreže kalandriranje polipropilen nanoindentacija analiza variance večplastni perceptron radialna bazna funkcija modul elastičnosti trdota
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100168 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.03.2018
KUZMIČ, Bojan, 2018, Analiza vpliva temperature kalandriranja na mehanske lastnosti polimerne folije z uporabo nevronskih mrež [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Analysis of influence of calendering temperature on mechanical properties of polymer foil with use of neural networks
Calendering is an industrial process, recently abundantly employed for production of polymer foils. Main characteristic of this process is that a softened polymer or a polymer melt enters a device, called calender, that is usually composed of three (or more) heated rollers. In a series and with a chosen force they effect on an entering polymer and reform it into a foil with desired mechanical properties. The latter are important for further formation of foil into final product. In addition to numerous parameters, the mechanical properties of polymer films, which are important for the further transformation of the film into finished products, are also significantly influenced by the control of the calendering temperature, which determines the temperature of the material during travel between the cylinders. In this masters thesis we investigated the influence of the temperature of the cylinders on mechanical properties, such as the elastic modulus and hardness of the polypropylene film, which were determined by means of nanoindentation. The influence of the temperature of the rollers on the mechanical properties of the film was confirmed by the statistical method ANOVA. Using neural networks of multilayered perceptron and radial base function, we created an empirical model of the influence of cylinder temperatures on the final mechanical properties of the product. The confirmed possibility of modeling the properties of the calandered product with neural networks is the basis for further improvements and optimization of the parameters of the calendering process.

Keywords:neural networks calendering polypropylene nanoindentation analysis of variance multilayer perceptron radial basis function elasticity modulus hardness

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