In the research we are dealing with the digital competence of teachers. First, we defined the concept of teacher’s digital competence in accordance with the descriptions proposed by UNESCO, the European Commission and researchers in this field. Among the factors that influence the level of the digital competence of the teacher, we take into account: years of working practice in education, the attitude towards the use of ICT in teaching, the use of ICT in teaching and the number of ICT training courses in the last two years. We conducted a survey on a selected school by giving a questionnaire to the teachers and a problem-solving test. 45 teachers participated in the study. By analyzing the data, we tried to determine how these factors influence the achieved level of digital competencies of teachers. For the purpose of modeling, we used decision models. The results showed the influence of the teacher's attitudes influence the achieved level of digital competences and implicit effect of the grey digital divide, reflected between the behavior of older and younger teachers..