
Vpliv socialnih iger na socialno strukturo razreda v tretjem obdobju osnovne šole prilagojenega programa z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom
ID Kleinberger, Anja (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4999/ This link opens in a new window

Grajenje primernih socialnih odnosov in učenje o njih je v družbi izredno pomembno. Socialne igre se danes v šoli pogosto uporabljajo, predvsem kot spodbujanje zaželenega vedenja in izboljšanja odnosov med učenci. Z učenjem socialnih veščin v šoli lahko izboljšamo kakovost življenja učencev že med šolanjem, ker se bodo v razredu bolje počutili. Prav tako pa jih s tem opremimo za življenje v odrasli dobi, saj se bodo bolje znašli v družbi. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv imajo socialne igre na socialno strukturo razreda v tretjem obdobju Prilagojenega programa z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Konec osnovne šole je čas, ko osebni odnosi in prijateljstva postanejo zelo pomemben del mladostnikovega življenja. V tem obdobju se prijateljstva lahko vzpostavijo za celo življenje, zato smo se odločili raziskati vpliv socialnih iger na odnose znotraj razreda, kjer se ta prijateljstva najpogosteje sklepajo. Raziskava nam daje vpogled v povezanost učencev v razredih in kaže, kako lahko s socialnimi igrami zmanjšamo izključenost določenih učencev. Tako lahko tudi njim omogočimo boljši vpogled v medsebojne odnose in sklepanje prijateljstev, predvsem pa damo priložnost vsem učencem, da se med seboj dobro spoznajo. Poleg odnosov in povezanosti razredov pa smo želeli ugotoviti tudi, če socialne igre v šoli izboljšajo vedenje učencev do svojih sošolcev in ostalih oseb. Za ocenjevanje socialne povezanosti smo uporabili enodimenzionalno sociometrično preizkušnjo. S pomočjo te preizkušnje smo pridobili podatke za izračun povezanosti razredov (indeks kohezivnosti) in statusa posameznika v razredu (sociometrični status). Uporabili pa smo tudi kontrolno listo zaželenega vedenja, s pomočjo katere smo merili, v kolikšni meri se zaželeno vedenje pojavlja pri vsakem posamezniku. V vzorec smo vključili tri razrede iz dveh osnovnih šol, ki izvajajo prilagojen program z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Od teh treh razredov sta bila dva razreda kombinirana, in sicer eden kombinacija 8. in 9. razreda (10 učencev) in drugi kombinacija 7., 8., in 9. razreda (5 učencev). Tretji razred je bil samostojni oddelek učencev 7. razreda (8 učencev). Skupno je bilo v raziskavo vključenih 23 učencev. Zbrani podatki so bili statistično obdelani, rezultati pa so prikazani v grafih in tabelah. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov nismo mogli statistično potrditi, da socialne igre vplivajo na boljšo socialno povezanost v razredu. Indeks kohezivnosti se za nobeno od skupin ni spremenil pred in po izvedbi socialnih iger. Povezanosti razredov pa so bile že od začetka srednje do visoke, kar pomeni, da so posamezniki medsebojno v razredih kar dobro povezani. V enem od oddelkov, in sicer v kombinaciji 8. in 9. razreda, se je statistično pomembno zmanjšalo število izločenih učencev, kar je za ta razred velik dosežek. S tem smo prej izločenim posameznikom pomagali, da se bodo laže posvetili šolskemu delu in se bolje počutili med svojimi sošolci. Število vzajemnih izbir med učenci se pred in po izvedbi socialnih iger ni spremenilo, je pa bilo število vzajemnih izbir relativno visoko že od začetka. V razredu, kjer je bilo 8 učencev, so bile prisotne 4 vzajemne izbire. Prav tako so bile 4 vzajemne izbire prisotne v razredu 5 učencev in 6 vzajemnih izbir v razredu 10 učencev. Ta nespremenljivost v vzajemnih izbirah kaže na prijateljske odnose med vzajemno izbranima osebama, saj vidimo določeno stalnost odnosa. Opazili smo razliko v sociometričnih statusih pred in po izvedbi socialnih iger. Pri prvem merjenju je imelo nizek sociometrični status 8 učencev, po izvedbi socialnih iger pa 7. Kljub temu pa se sociometrični statusi niso statistično pomembno spremenili pred in po izvedbi socialnih iger. Pokazala se je statistično pomembna razlika v količini zaznanega zaželenega vedenja pred in po izvedbi socialnih iger. Po izvedbi iger je bilo zaželenega vedenja statistično pomembno več.

Keywords:motnje v duševnem razvoju
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100111 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11936841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of social games on class social structure in the third triad of primary school with adapted programme for children with special needs
Building adequate social relationships and learning about them is very important in our society. Nowadays social games are often used in schools, especially to enhance good behaviour and improve relationships between students. By learning social skills in school we can improve the quality of life for our students during schooling as they will feel accepted in their class and as a result feel better about themselves. In addition, social games give them knowledge that they can use in adulthood and as a result they can find their place in society. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of social games on coherence between pupils in the class in last three grades of primary school for children with mild intellectual disability. End of primary school is the time when personal relationships and friendships become very important for the adolescent. Some of this friendships may even last a lifetime. This survey gives us an insight into classroom relationships and shows us how to reduce the exclusion of certain pupils. This way we can offer them the same chance of building a friendship or at least give all the pupils an opportunty to get to know their classmates well. We also wanted to determine if social games in school improve pupils’ behaviour towards their classmates and other people. For the assessment of coherence between pupils in the class we used one-dimensional sociometric test. This test gave the data which allowed us to calculate the group cohesiveness index and the sociometric status for every individual. In addition to the sociometric test we also used a checklist for positive behaviour for each individual. The study included three classes from two primary schools that offer programme for children with mild intellectual disability. We included one 7th grade with 8 pupils, a combination of 8th and 9th grade with 10 pupils and a combination of 7th, 8th and 9th grade with 5 pupils. The collected data was statistically processed and the results are shown in graphs and tables. On the basis of the results obtained we were not able to statistically confirm that the social games affect classroom’s cohesion. Group cohesiveness indexes did not change for any of the groups after the implementation of the social games. But group cohesiveness indexes were medium to high from the beginning of the research, which means that classes were quite coherent from the beginning. The number of excluded pupils decreased in the combination of 8th and 9th grade, which is a big success for the class. With this achievement we helped previously excluded pupils to be able to devote themselves to school work and feel better among their classmates. The number of mutual choices among students before and after the implementation of social games did not change. Mutual choices between pupils were common from the beginning of the research. In the class of 8 pupils there were four mutual choices. Four mutual choices were present in the class of 5 pupils as well. Last but not least there were six mutual choices in a class of 10 pupils. The stability of these mutual choices shows a certain continuity of the relationships between certain pupils. We have noticed a difference in the sociometric statuses before and after the implementation of the social games. In the first measurement there were 8 pupils with a low sociometric status. After the social games there were 7 pupils left. However, the change in sociometric statuses is not statistically significant. But there was a statistically significant difference shown in the quantity of positive behaviour amongst pupils after the implementation of social games. The quantity of positive behaviour was higher after the use of social games in the class.

Keywords:intellectual disabilities

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