
Možnosti prihrankov električne energije pri cestni razsvetljavi, ki se prilagaja količini prometa
ID BAVČAR, JERNEJ (Author), ID Kobav, Matej Bernard (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2D11688E7087F3BE09F63F12E703D7A8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e741078d-e02a-4967-9fab-af5acdf90738

V diplomskem delu sem predstavil način in predlog, kako zmanjšati stroške porabe električne energije in svetlobno onesnaževanje z javno razsvetljavo. Pri analizi podatkov sem si pomagal s programom MATLAB. Dobljene vrednosti sem nato obdelal v programskem orodju MS Excel. Na začetku najprej preletim zgodovino razvoja umetne razsvetljave in razvoja javne razsvetljave v Sloveniji in svetu. Za tem opišem veljavne zahteve glede javne razsvetljave in elemente, ki so upoštevani pri načrtovanju njene postavitve. Predstavljeni so tudi vsi pomembnejši deli zakonodaje in uredb, ki določajo smernice glede javne razsvetljave. Prav tako so izpostavljeni in prikazani vsi pomembni podatki, ki sem jih uporabil pri izračunih. V večini primerov so izračuni nato tudi slikovno prikazani z grafi, s katerimi si lahko ustvarimo boljšo predstavo. Poleg rezultatov izražam mnenja in namen ideje stopnjevalne regulacije. Za zaključek v odstotkih podam oceno prihrankov, do katerih bi lahko prišli z uporabo te zamisli.

Keywords:javna razsvetljava, osvetljenost, svetlost, povprečni letni dnevni promet, gostota prometa, urna obremenitev prometa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100102 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The possibilities of electrical energy savings in road lighting, which adapts to the traffic density
This thesis proposes and presents an option of reducing both the costs of power consumption and the light pollution caused by street lighting. Data were analysed using MATLAB software, and the obtained values were further processed in MS Excel. The paper starts with a review of the development of artificial lighting and the history of public lighting in Slovenia. It continues with a review of the requirements regarding street lightning in force in Slovenia and the elements that need to be considered when planning street lightning. Moreover, the important legislative and regulatory provisions setting the guidelines for street lighting are explained. Furthermore, all the important data used in calculations are highlighted and displayed. In most cases, the calculations are supported with graphs to provide an even clearer insight. Alongside the results, the personal opinions of the author and the purpose of the proposed concept are stressed. Finally, the thesis concludes with an assessment of the possible energy savings (as share of the current consumption) with the implementation of the proposed light dimming concept.

Keywords:street lighting, lightning, brightness, annual average daily traffic, traffic density, hourly traffic load

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