
Reurbanizacija degradiranih industrijskih območji ob vzhodnem kraku ljubljanske železniške proge
ID Bogovič, Vid (Author), ID Capuder Vidmar, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: F1FAD2002DF32E3196BB118DEBC029A7
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/763fbf46-2cbf-40ae-b01e-ff53eb31a927

Magistrsko delo se osredotoči na problematiko prostora severovzhodne Ljubljane ob vzhodnem kraku ljubljanske železnice med Šmartinsko, Zaloško in Kajuhovo cesto. Naloga se ukvarja s problematiko percepcijske zaprtosti, mentalne oddaljenosti in introvertiranosti območja. Delo se osredotoči na manjša robna degradirana območja na stikih in robovih stanovanjskih predelov Zelene jame, Vodmata in Most. Namen je opozoriti na neizkoriščen potencial območij, ki bi ob ustrezni programski in prostorski prenovi predstavljala kakovosten prostor v zaledju stanovanjskih predelov. Večji poudarek je namenjen železnici, ki danes predstavlja močno mentalno in fizično prostorsko oviro, a bi ob vsebinski prenovi v mestno železnico območju dala nove kvalitete in razlog za uspešnejšo reurbanizacijo. Idejna urbanistična zasnova sloni na vzpostavljanju novih povezav, ki izboljšujejo prehodnost; vzpostavljanju novih jeder družbenih dejavnosti, ki vsebinsko prenovijo območje, in vzpostavljanju novega odprtega javnega prostora, ki tvori zeleno linijsko potezo ob koridorju železnice in se navezuje na obstoječi zeleni sistem mesta. Z idejno zasnovo reurbanizacije, ki sloni na trenutnih potencialih obstoječih prostorskih elementov, naloga opozori na neizkoriščen potencial na videz utesnjenih in pozabljenih predelov znotraj strnjenega mestnega tkiva.

Keywords:urbanistična zasnova, reurbanizacija, degradirana območja, zeleni sistem, železnica, Ljubljana
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[V. Bogovič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100082 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8944249 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Reurbanisation of degraded industrial areas along Ljubljana's eastern railway
The thesis discusses spatial problems of area along the eastern part of Ljubljana’s railway system between Šmartinska, Zaloška and Kajuhova street. The main issues of the discussed area are bad spatial permeability, bad mental image and introversion of the studied area. The thesis focuses on smaller degraded areas on the coalesce of different residential areas: Zelena jama, Vodmat and Moste. The aim is to point out the potential of the unused spaces that could become high quality places –the backbone of residential areas, if they were spatially and programmatically revitalized. Larger focus is on the railway that nowadays represents a strong mental and physical spatial barrier. Nevertheless, it could, if transformed into suburban rail, give new spatial qualities and potential for better reurbanization. Conceptual urbanistic plan improves connectivity, establish new nodes of social activities, which programmatically revitalize the area and establish new open space, which creates green linear connections along the railway and relate to wider city’s green system. Conceptual reurbanisation plan points out the potentials of the existing spatial elements and the problem of the unused potential of smaller, forgotten spaces inside of the city’s urban tissue.

Keywords:urban design, reurbanisation, degraded areas, green system, railway, Ljubljana

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