
Vloga sodobnih grafičnih tehnik pri likovni vzgoji
ID Linardić, Letricija (Author), ID Tacol, Tonka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vogrinc, Janez (Comentor)

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Sodoben pouk likovne umetnosti bi moral področje grafike vsebovati enakovredno z drugimi likovnimi področji. Specifična znanja, veščine in sposobnosti, ki se jih učenci naučijo pri pouku grafike in temeljijo na izvajanju novih grafičnih tehnik z novim, odpadnim materialom, pozitivno vplivajo na njihov celostni razvoj. Glede na to, da je šolski sistem na Hrvaškem tradicionalen, je pomembno učiteljem omogočiti izobraževanje o sodobnih pristopih k poučevanju grafike. Uporaba sodobnih pristopov znotraj obstoječega izobraževalnega sistema in uvajanje novih, preprostejših grafičnih tehnik lahko pozitivno vplivata na dejavnost, samostojnost in razvoj ustvarjalnosti učencev. Raziskava je zato temeljila prav na uvajanju novih grafičnih tehnik z novim, odpadnim materialom in sistematičnem izvajanju tehnik, od preprostejših k zapletenejšim. Izpeljana je bila s pomočjo kvantitativne in kvalitativne pedagoške raziskave. Podatki za kvantitativni del raziskave so bili zbrani z anonimnim vprašalnikom petstopenjske Likertove lestvice in obdelani z deskriptivno statistiko, hi-kvadratom preizkusa hipoteze neodvisnosti, t-testom za neodvisne vzorce in enosmerno analizo variance. Zanesljivost vprašalnika je bila preverjena s Crombachovim koeficientom alfa, veljavnost pa s faktorsko analizo. Objektivnost vprašalnika so zagotovili dosledna in nedvoumna navodila in način izpolnjevanja. Raziskava je pokazala stališča učiteljev na predmetni in razredni stopnji do pomena izvajanja likovnih nalog z grafičnega področja, težave ter materialne in prostorske možnosti za izvajanje pouka grafike na šolah ter – glede na delovni staž – potrebe učiteljev po dodatnem izobraževanju s področja grafike. Na pridobljenih rezultatih so temeljile smernice za izpeljavo kvalitativnega dela pedagoške raziskave in akcijske raziskave. Za učitelje na razredni in predmetni stopnji je potekalo strokovno izobraževanje z grafičnega področja, s poudarkom na usvajanju kompetenc za uspešno izvajanje pouka grafike na šoli in ustvarjanju lastne strategije poučevanja grafičnih tehnik ter spodbujanju učencev k dejavnosti, samostojnosti in likovni ustvarjalnosti. Izpeljana evalvacija je pokazala pozitivna stališča učiteljev do strokovne izobrazbe s področja grafike in naučenih grafičnih tehnik ter motivacijo za vnos grafike v redni pouk likovne kulture. V okviru akcijske raziskave so bile pri rednem pouku v tretjem, petem in osmem razredu na treh različnih šolah nove grafične tehnike izvedene z novim, odpadnim materialom. Pozitivne učinke raziskave so potrdili analiza učne ure vseh posameznih izpeljanih korakov, refleksije učiteljev, nestrukturirani intervjuji, spremljanje dejavnosti in samostojnosti učencev pri pouku ter analiza uspešnosti grafik v pogledu ustvarjalnosti. Za širši vpogled v raziskavo je bila na temelju zbranih podatkov opravljena triangulacija. Učitelji so okrepili ozaveščenost o enakovrednosti likovnih področij, pri izvajanju različnih tiskarskih zvrsti spoznali posebnosti novih grafičnih tehnik ter postali sposobnejši za učinkovito organizacijo pouka grafike in odgovornejši glede uspešnega poučevanja učencev na grafičnem področju. Tudi učenci so pri spoznavanju grafičnega področja postali uspešnejši, pri učni uri dejavnejši in samostojnejši, pri izvedbi grafičnih tehnik ustvarjalnejši in pri uporabi različnega novega (odpadnega) grafičnega materiala sposobnejši.

Keywords:likovna kultura
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100076 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11931977 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Role of contemporary printmaking techniques in art education
A modern teaching of visual art needs to include printmaking to the same extent as it includes other areas of visual art. Specific knowledge, skills and competences gained in printmaking classes, which are based on practicing new printmaking techniques using waste material, positively affect the whole student development. Since the Croatian education system is quite traditional, it is important to train teachers in using modern approaches to teaching graphics. Modern approaches in visual art education and the use of new, simpler printmaking techniques can increase students’ engagement, independence and creativity. Therefore, this empirical research was based on the introduction of new printmaking techniques that rely on the use of waste material in printmaking classes, starting from easier techniques to those that are more complex. The research was carried out on a quantitative and qualitative basis. The data for the quantitative part of the research were gathered using an anonymous questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The analysis was based on the chi-square test for hypotheses of independence, the t-test for independent variables and the one-way ANOVA. The questionnaire consistency was determined by Cronbach’s alpha and variability was described by factor analysis. The questionnaire’s objectivity was assured by consistent and unambiguous instructions for completing the questionnaire. The research investigated the attitudes of teachers regarding the importance of graphics in visual art classes, problems encountered in printmaking classes, material and spatial capacities for printmaking classes and the teachers’ needs for an additional training in teaching graphics. The results were used for making guidelines for the quantitative part of the research, which was conducted through an action research. The first part of the action research covered a professional training of class and subject teachers in the areas of printmaking, with an emphasis on the adoption of competences for successful teaching of graphics in school. The aim of such teaching is to encourage students to be active in classes, to help them develop independence and creativity in visual art, but also to motivate teachers to develop their own strategies in teaching printmaking techniques. The evaluation showed that teachers had positive attitudes about the training and the newly-learned printmaking techniques. In addition, they showed high motivation for introducing graphics in regular visual art classes. In the second part of the action research, we introduced new graphic techniques using new and different material – waste. This part of the research was carried out with students of the third, fifth and eighth grades in three different primary schools. A quantitative analysis of each step of the research, teachers’ reflections, non-structured interviews, activity monitoring and a qualitative assessment of students’ creativity in creating graphic works helped us confirm the positive effect of the action research. The data validation was facilitated by the method of triangulation, which served to show the width of observation gathered in this research. Following the action research, the teachers’ awareness about equal importance of different fields of visual art has increased as well as their knowledge about the use of new printmaking techniques. In addition, this research produced positive effects on teachers’ competences in organizing effective printmaking classes and it increased their responsibility in successful teaching of students in the field of printmaking. Finally, the research showed improvements in students’ knowledge in graphics, as well as an increase in the level of students’ engagement and independence in printmaking classes. The students also showed greater creativity in working with printmaking techniques and they were more successful in using new and different (waste) material in printmaking classes.

Keywords:visual arts

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