
Analiza uspešnosti uporabe ERP v podjetju
ID ČIBEJ, NEJC (Author), ID Hovelja, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 81640F7B8B2592B5E7FEE1C79E9CD617
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f7df8597-2457-49cc-98c8-6fbef8bb0198

ERP sistemi so ključnega pomena za učinkovito obdelovanje vsakodnevnih poslovnih aktivnosti vseh večjih podjetij. Zaradi kompleksnosti implementacij, velike količine podatkov in težavnega vzdrževanja pogosto prihaja do neizkoriščene ali napačne rabe sistema. Probleme in pomankljivosti v povezavi s tem sistemom bi se lahko rešilo s pomočjo analize uspešnosti uporabe ERP v podjetju. V raziskavi sem v prvi fazi preučil obstoječo literaturo. V drugi fazi sem na podlagi pridobljenih informacij izdelal model za analizo funkcionalnosti informacijskega sistema v podjetju. Predlagani model sem uporabil in testiral v podjetju Lindab in ugotovljene rezultate predstavil vodstvu podjetja. Cilji moje diplomske raziskave so bili uspešno izvedeni in doseženi. Z uporabo predlaganega modela sem izboljšal delovanje ERP sistema v podjetju Lindab in s tem hkrati prispeval k optimizaciji pri poslovanju podjetja.

Keywords:ERP, informacijski sistem, analiza, ovrednotenje, uspešnost, učinkovitost, podjetje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100055 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.03.2018
ČIBEJ, NEJC, 2018, Analiza uspešnosti uporabe ERP v podjetju [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 13 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of success of ERP use in an enterprise
ERP Systems are essential for efficient everyday processsing activities of modern enterprises. Due to the complex implementation and difficult upkeep, the system is usually not fully utilized or can even be used incorrectly. These issues can be tackled by conducting an analysis of success of ERP use in the enterprise. To learn more about how to conduct such an analysis I first studied the relevant literature. Using the aquired Information I created a Model for Functionality Analysis of Information System of an Enterprise. The introduced model was used and tested within the Company Lindab. The results were presented to the Management. The Goal of my research was achieved and successfully fulfilled. With the use of my suggested Model I improved the Lindab ERP system and contributed to the overall business optimization of the enterprise.

Keywords:ERP, Information System, Analysis, Evaluation, Success, Business, Enterprise

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