
Pravica do pozabe na internetu
ID Horvat, Sara (Author), ID Dugar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2efc6a13-9a6a-42dd-b406-dc7a1d285971

V preteklih letih smo bili priča pravi informacijski revoluciji, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter in še marsikatero drugo socialno omrežje ali spletni portal, katerega si pred leti nismo niti v sanjah mogli predstavljati, so danes del našega vsakdana. Svetovni splet nam je popolnoma spremenil način življenja v večini na boljše, vendar je s sabo prinesel tudi nešteto skritih tveganj. Če bi pred leti želeli ponovno videti novico iz časopisa, bi jo dejansko morali iskati fizično v arhivu, kar bi za določene podatke bilo skoraj nemogoče, da jih najdemo. Danes zadostuje obisk internetnega iskalnika, ki nam v nekaj sekundah najde (javno) dostopne podatke. Iskalniki le indeksirajo podatke, ki so jih na svetovni splet postavili drugi, vendar je indeksiranje, z vidika varstva osebnostnih pravic, mnogo bolj težavno kot sama postavitev podatka na splet, saj s prikazom mnogih podatkov o določeni osebi, omogoča ustvarjanje profilov. Tehnološkemu in družbenemu napredku zakonodaja dolgo časa ni sledila. Leta 2014 smo bili priča prvi sodbi na tem področju pred sodiščem Evropske Unije – Google vs. Spain. Koncept se v groben nanaša na pravico posameznika, da lahko od ponudnika internetnega iskalnika zahteva izbris podatka, kar bi imelo za posledico, da se zadetek ne bi prikazal med rezultati, če bi s spletnim iskalnikom iskali po imenu in priimku posameznika. Težava je v tem, da je podatek izbrisan nato le iz pomnilnika določenega ponudnika, ni pa izbrisan popolnoma iz interneta, teoretično bi ga bilo mogoče najti z drugim iskalnikom ali namestitvijo dodatne programske opreme. Z novo Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov smo sicer prišli dokaj blizu »pravici do pozabe na internetu«, vendar bo na koncu praksa pokazala ali je dejansko temu tako. V magistrskem diplomskem delu sem najprej predstavljam kaj je predmet varstva, katere težave se pojavljajo pri vprašanju stvarne in ozemeljske uporabe predpisov, kaj vse obsega pravica do pozabe ter ali je nekaj kot je internet sposobno pozabiti.

Keywords:pravica do pozabe, internet, google, internetni iskalnik, dostojanstvo, zasebnost, splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov, varstvo podatkov, osebni podatek, izbris.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100049 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16040017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The right to be forgotten on the Internet
Over the past few years, we have witnessed a true information revolution, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and many other social networks or web portals that we could not imagine years ago are now part of our everyday lives. The world wide web has completely changed our way of life in the majority to the better, but it also brought countless hidden risks. If we wanted to see an article from the newspaper again, we would actually have to search it physically in the archive, which would be almost impossible for certain data to be found. Today, a web search engine is enough to find (publicly accessible) data within seconds. Search engines merely index data that is posted on the world wide web, but indexing, from the point of view of personal rights protection, can be much more harmful than putting the data on the web itself, since by displaying many information about a particular person, it is possible to create profiles. Legislation did not follow technological and social progress for a long time. In 2014 we witnessed the first judgment in this field before the European Union Court - Google vs. Spain. The concept refers to the right of an individual to be able to demand from the search engine provider to delete data, which would result in not being displayed in the results if you were searching with an online search engine by the name and surname of the individual. The problem is that the information is deleted only from the records of a particular provider, but it is not completely deleted from the Internet. Theoretically it could be found with another web search engine or the installation of additional software. With the new General Data Protection Regulation we have come close to "The right to be forgotten on the Internet," but in the end, practice will show whether this is the case. In this master thesis, I will first present what is the subject of protection, what issues come forward when it comes to the question of who and where is responsible for data processing, what rights does a person have and if something like the internet is able to forget.

Keywords:right to be forgotten, internet, google, search engine, dignity, privacy, general data protection regulation, data protection, personal information, delete.

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