Keywords: geodezija, TUN, diplomska dela, VSŠ, raba zemljišč, boniteta zemljišč, dejanska raba zemljišč, namenska raba zemljišč, katastrska klasifikacija zemljišč, stavbno zemljišče, kmetijsko zemljišče, gozdno zemljišče, vrednotenje nepremičnin, načrtovanje prostora, socialna politika, davčna politika, graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, land use, capability evaluation of land, actual land use, planning land use, cadastre classification of land, building plot, agricultural land, woodland valuation of real estate, spatial planning social policy, tax policyFull text (file, 3,52 MB)
Keywords: Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia, pile dwellings, woodland management, oak, ash, age/diameter analysis, research dataFull text (file, 13,01 KB) This document has more files! More...This document is also a collection of 1 document!
Keywords: Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia, pile dwellings, Eneolithic, dendroarchaeology, woodland management, coppicing and pollarding, age/diameter analysisFull text (file, 5,44 MB) This document has more files! More...This document is also a collection of 1 document!