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1. RITY - a phenology model of Ips typographus as a tool for optimization of its monitoring Nikica Ogris, Mitja Ferlan, Tine Hauptman, Roman Pavlin, Andreja Kavčič, Maja Jurc, Maarten De Groot, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: European spruce bark beetle, ecological modelling, trapping, INCA, voltinism, population dynamics |
2. Assemblages of ophiostomatoid fungi vectored by Ips amitinus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) on Norway spruce depend on colonization time, position on the host tree and development stage Andreja Nève Repe, Maarten De Groot, Maja Jurc, 2018, original scientific article Keywords: forest protection, small spruce bark beetle, associated fungi, spruce, Picea abies |