3. Analiza metod Geodetske GNSS izmerePeter Čadež, 2010, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, UNI, GNSS, statična metoda, RTK, VRS, Precise Point Positioning Full text (file, 4,63 MB) |
4. Kontrola vzpostavitve geodetske mreže za potrebe zakoličevanja objektovBarbara Fröhlich, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, GIG, diplomska dela, UNI, geodetska mreža, klasična metoda izmere, redukcija dolžin, koordinate točk, izravnava mreže, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, geodetic network, terestical method measurements, distance reduction, point coordinates, network adjustment Full text (file, 1,99 MB) |
6. Posebnosti oblikovanja inovativnih poslovnih strategij za mala podjetjaMonika Sok, 2012, master's thesis Keywords: Slovenija, majhno podjetje, storitve, računovodstvo, Point, strategija, strateški management, planiranje, poslovna strategija, konkurenčnost, modeli, analiza Full text (outside link) |
7. Anisotropic (p, q)-equations with gradient dependent reactionNikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Vicenţiu Rǎdulescu, Dušan Repovš, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: anisotropic (p, q)-Laplacian, convection, nonvariational problem, nonlinear regularity theory, maximum principle, fixed point, minimal positive solution Full text (file, 392,49 KB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Pairs of fixed points for a class of operators on Hilbert spacesAbdelhak Mokhtari, Kamel Saoudi, Dušan Repovš, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: Hilbert spaces, potential operators, genus, fixed point theorem, boundary value problem Full text (file, 316,86 KB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Kinematična metoda PPP (Precise Point Positioning) določitve položaja v GNSSSimon Šanca, 2017, undergraduate thesis Keywords: GPS, GLONASS, Precise Point Positioning (PPP), kinematična izmera, spletne storitve PPP, gLAB, RTKLIB Full text (file, 4,45 MB) |