1. Uvedba IT procesov podpore uporabnikom na podlagi ITIL priporočilDalibor Cvijetinović, 2012, undergraduate thesis Keywords: informacijska tehnologija, informacijski sistemi, informacijske storitve, ITIL, Information Technology Infrastructure Library, računalništvo, računalništvo in informatika, visokošolski strokovni študij, diplomske naloge Full text (file, 686,00 KB) |
2. Razdelitev stroškov komunalnega opremljanja zemljišč za gradnjoMiha Bogataj, 2006, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, komunalni prispevek, program opremljanja, komunalno opremljanje, opremljanje zemljišč za gradnjo, komunalna infrastruktura, komunalna oprema, zakon o urejanju prostora, zakon o stavbnih zemljiščih, navodilo za izračun komunalnega prispevka, navodilo o vsebini programaopremljanju stavbnih zemljišč Baugesetzbuch, public utilities charge, public utilities infrastructure, equipping land, distribution pf public utilities costs Full text (file, 1,62 MB) |
3. Tehnično-ekonomski vidiki opremljanja stavbnih zemljišč na območju Potniškega centra LjubljanaMatjaž Draksler, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, VKI, diplomska dela, UNI, komunalni kolektor, različne možnosti polaganja komunalnih vodov, stroškovna ocena posamezne variantne rešitve, metoda izračuna, komunalna oprema, komunalna infrastruktura, PCL, Potniški center Ljubljana, graduation thesis, civil engineering, VKI, utility tunnel, different alternatice variants of installing common utility ducts, estimation of expenses for each alternative variant, method of calculation, public utilities infrastructure, municipal infrastructure, Ljubljana PassengerCentre Full text (file, 9,36 MB) |
5. Revitalizing Ukrainian citiesVitalii Kruhlov, Jaroslav Dvorak, Volodymyr Moroz, Dina Tereshchenko, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: infrastructure, public administration, public-private partnership, recovery, smart city, tools, Ukraine, rebuilding Full text (file, 340,10 KB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Online travel agencies as a source of hotel informationKimberly Yakarah Peterkin, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: turizem, hotelirstvo, infrastruktura, Internet, elektronsko poslovanje, informacije, primeri, analiza, tourism, hotel industry, infrastructure, Internet, electronic commerce, information, cases, analysis Full text (outside link) |
7. Implementing the green infrastructure concept in practiceNaja Marot, Barbara Kostanjšek, Nadja Penko Seidl, Jörn Harfst, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: green infrastructure, multi-level governance, EU-strategy for the Alpine Region, strategic planning, macro-regional strategy, institutional framework, waste management Full text (file, 1,76 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Felid bedrooms with a panoramic view: selection of resting sites by Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in a karstic landscapeLan Hočevar, Teresa Oliveira, Miha Krofel, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: daybed, microscale habitat selection, kill site, infrastructure, large carnivores, habitat use Full text (file, 642,37 KB) This document has more files! More... |