1. Možnost 3D modeliranja stavb iz katastra stavbKatja Božič, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, TUN, diplomska dela, VSŠ, kataster stavb, 3D kataster stavb, 3D model stavbe, etažna lastnina, graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, building cadastre, 3D building cadastre, 3D model of the building Full text (file, 9,76 MB) |
2. Upravljanje večstanovanjskih stavb v različnih družbeno-ekonomskih sistemihMatija Polajnar, 2013, master's thesis Keywords: civil engineering, master of science thesis, multi-dwelling building, management, maintenance, renovation, housing legislation, floor ownership Full text (file, 2,64 MB) |
3. Exploring climate-change impacts on energy efficiency and overheating vulnerability of bioclimatic residential buildings under Central European climateLuka Pajek, Mitja Košir, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: climate change, bioclimatic design, passive design, energy efficiency, overheating, building resilience, robustness Full text (file, 2,54 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Co-registration of tree-dimensional building models with image features from infrared video sequencesJanja Avbelj, 2010, undergraduate thesis Keywords: graduation thesis, geodesy, 3d building model, infrared radiation, image processing, image registration, feature extraction, image sequences, matching Full text (file, 9,24 MB) |
5. Vzpostavitev enotne evidence rabe zemljišč na podlagi bonitete zemljiščMarko Rotar, 2012, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, TUN, diplomska dela, VSŠ, raba zemljišč, boniteta zemljišč, dejanska raba zemljišč, namenska raba zemljišč, katastrska klasifikacija zemljišč, stavbno zemljišče, kmetijsko zemljišče, gozdno zemljišče, vrednotenje nepremičnin, načrtovanje prostora, socialna politika, davčna politika, graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, land use, capability evaluation of land, actual land use, planning land use, cadastre classification of land, building plot, agricultural land, woodland valuation of real estate, spatial planning social policy, tax policy Full text (file, 3,52 MB) |
6. Vpliv prostorskih izvedbenih pogojev na uspešnost investiranja v enostanovanjsko hišo v občini MislinjaLavra Borovnik, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, GIG, analiza trga nepremičnin, enostanovanjska hiša, nezazidano stavbno zemljišče, faktor izrabe zemljišča, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, real estate market analysis, residential house, new vacant building land, floor space index Full text (file, 1,34 MB) |
7. Ocena tržne vrednosti komunalno opremljenih stavbnih zemljišč v Mestni občini Slovenj GradecNatalija Novak, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, GIG, nezazidana stavbna zemljišča, komunalni prispevek, ocena tržne vrednosti, graduation thesis, geodesy, vacant building land, public utilities fee, estimation of the market value Full text (file, 2,59 MB) |
8. Vpliv prostorskih izvedbenih pogojev na uspešnost investiranja v enostanovanjsko hišo v občini PrevaljeNika Puc, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, GIG, prostorski izvedbeni pogoji, enostanovanjska hiša, nezazidano stavbno zemljišče, komunalni prispevek, faktor zazidanosti, faktor izrabe zemljišča, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, implementing conditions, residential house, building land, municipal contribution, factor of settlement density, land use factor Full text (file, 1,40 MB) |
9. Zemljiška politika v občini Radlje ob DraviJasmina Šantl, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, GIG, zemljiška politika, stavbno zemljišče, analiza trga nezazidanih stavbnih zemljišč, gradbeno dovoljenje, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, land policy, construction land, real estate market analysis, building permit Full text (file, 2,39 MB) |
10. Prikaz zemljiškega katastra in katastra stavb v Google EarthBlaž Vidmar, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska naloga, GIG, zemljiški kataster, kataster stavb, Google Earth, KML, 3D-prikaz, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, land cadastre, building cadastre, Google Earth, KML, 3D display Full text (file, 3,05 MB) |