4. Significance of toponyms, with emphasis on field names, for studyng cultural landscapeNadja Penko Seidl, 2008, original scientific article Keywords: landscape architecture, geography, landscape management, landscape planning, field names, toponyms, Slovenia Full text (outside link) |
9. Obnova Rafutskega parka pri Novi GoriciKatarina Iskra, 2012, undergraduate thesis Keywords: Rafutski park, krajinska arhitektura, kulturna dediščina, vrtnoarhitekturna dediščina, parki, urejanje krajine, prenova, zgodovinski parki, eklekticizem, Nova Gorica, Rafut park, landscape architecture, cultural property, garden heritage, parks, landscape design, renovation, historical parks, eclecticism Full text (file, 14,16 MB) |
10. Investigating possibilities of developing self-directed learning in architecture students using design thinkingStanislav Avsec, Magdalena Jagiełło-Kowalczyk, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: sustainable development goals, design and design thinking, self-directed learning, sustainable architecture, structural equation modelling, bootstrapping, higher education, thinking Full text (file, 1,80 MB) This document has more files! More... |