1. Numerični modeli za določanje stanja morja v Jadranskem morjuMatjaž Ličer, Dušan Žagar, Maja Jeromel, Martin Vodopivec, 2012, review article Keywords: morje, numerično modeliranje, naravne nesreče, cirkulacijski modeli, izlitja nafte, onesnaževanje, POM, Jadransko morje Full text (outside link) |
2. The impact of gravel extraction on hyporheic ecology: a case study of the Bača river (W Slovenia)Nataša Mori, 2008, doctoral dissertation Keywords: hyporheic invertebrate, Soča river, Bača river, hyporheic biota, benthic organisms, particulate organic matter, POM, fine sediment, ETS activity, electron transport system, sediments, Nematoda, Harpacticoida, Chironomidae, gravel extraction, environmental impact assessment Full text (outside link) |
3. Vpliv temperature na življenjsko dobo polimernih zobnikovGal Potrč Pajk, 2017, master's thesis/paper Keywords: Življenjska doba, S-N krivulje, temperatura, zobniki, POM, Razvoj preskuševališča, izkoristek Full text (file, 9,68 MB) |
4. Izgradnja ogrodja za avtomatizirano testiranje spletnih aplikacijŽAN ZOREC, 2020, undergraduate thesis Keywords: testiranje, avtomatizacija, ogrodje za testiranje, sočasno izvajanje, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, POM, Java, TestNG. Full text (file, 1005,19 KB) |
5. Effects of slide-to-roll ratio and temperature on the tribological behaviour in polymer-steel contacts and a comparison with the performance of real-scale gearsSebastjan Matkovič, Mitjan Kalin, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: polymers, POM, steel, gears, slide-to-roll ratio (SRR), wear, friction Full text (file, 2,37 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Vpliv razmerja med drsenjem in kotaljenjem na koeficient trenja v mazanem kontaktu med polimerom in jeklomAndraž Žumer, 2021, undergraduate thesis Keywords: SRR, koeficient trenja, POM, jeklo, kontakt, PAO, debelina mazalnega filma Full text (file, 1,47 MB) |
7. Influence of load, sliding speed and heat-sink volume on the tribological behaviour of polyoxymethylene (POM) sliding against steelM. Shoaib Naseem Siddiqui, Aljaž Pogačnik, Mitjan Kalin, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: POM, steels, wear, temperature Full text (file, 13,57 MB) This document has more files! More... |