1. Business strategies of Steel Authority of India Limited with emphasis on environmental issuesSanjiv Bhartiya, 2008, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, jeklarska industrija, Steel Authority of India Limited, poslovanje podjetja, uspšenost poslovanja, strategija, strateško planiranje, management, analiza, India, steel industry, Steel Authority of India Limited, company performance, strategy, strategic planning, management, analysis Full text (outside link) |
2. Application of sustainable development mechanism for environmental, economic and social development of Hindustan Paper Corporation LimitedKrishanu Dutta, 2008, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, papirna industrija, industrijsko podjetje, Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited, poslovanje podjetja, uspešnost poslovanja, varstvo okolja, tehnologija, razvoj, ekonomski razvoj, socialna varnost, analiza, India, pulp and paper industry, industrial enterprises, Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited, company performance, business efficiency, environmental protection, technology, development, economic development, social security, analysis Full text (outside link) |
3. Critical analysis of turnaround strategy in Visakhapatnam Steel PlantMadhusudan Rao Manikyam, 2008, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, jeklarska industrija, industrijsko podjetje, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, management, strategija, prestrukturiranje, India, steel industry, industrial enterprises, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, management, strategy, restructuring Full text (outside link) |
4. Human resource activities of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)Gyanesh Jha, 2008, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, jeklarska industrija, industrijsko podjetje, Steel Authority of India Limited, poslovanje podjetje, uporaba človeških zmogljivosti, kadri, kariera, razvoj, mednarodne primerjave, India, steel industry, industrial enterprises, Steel Authority of India Limited, human resource management, personnel, career, development, international comparisons Full text (outside link) |
5. Marketing of Uttar Pradesh (India) as a tourist destinationPartha Sarthi Sen Sharma, 2008, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, turizem, turistična geografija, trženje, raziskave, analiza, India, tourism, tourist geography, marketing, research, analysis Full text (outside link) |
6. Evaluation of the land records computerization schemeRajesh Narayan Kulkarni, 2009, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, nepremičnine, zemljišča, kataster, evidenca, uporaba računalnikov, informacijski sistemi, analiza, India, real estate, land, land register, records, computer application, information systems, analysis Full text (outside link) |
7. Nature, extent and determinants of nonagricultural employment in Himachal Pradesh, IndiaAjay Kumar Sharma, 2009, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, regionalni razvoj, trg delovne sile, zaposlovanje, demografija, zaposlenost, revščina, gospodinjstva, javna politika, analiza, India, regional economic development, labour market, employment, demography, level of employment, poverty, households, public policy, analysis Full text (outside link) |
8. Isolation of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus auresu and Listeria monocytogenes from milk products sold under market conditions at Agra regionPriyanka Singh, Alka Prakash, 2008, other scientific articles Keywords: milk products, curd, cottage cheese, microbiolgoy, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, public health, India Full text (outside link) |
9. Corporate diversification strategiesNavin Dubey, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, korporacije, poslovanje podjetja, uspešnost poslovanja, diverzifikacija, raziskave, analiza, India, corporations, company performance, business efficiency, diversification, research, analysis Full text (outside link) |
10. An analysis of natural gas market in India and the perspectives for future developmentSwaminathan Kannan, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, energetika, plin, trg, analiza, razvoj, trendi, India, energetics, gas, market, analysis, development, trends Full text (outside link) |