1. Nosilni elementi iz konstrukcijskega kompozitnega lesaMatevž Jerman, 2010, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, konstrukcijski kompozitni les, križno lepljene lesene plošče, LVL, LSL, PSI, OSB, CLT, numerično modeliranje Full text (file, 3,27 MB) |
2. Model updating of seven-storey cross-laminated timber building designed on frequency-response-functions-based modal testingBlaž Kurent, Boštjan Brank, Wai Kei Ao, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: engineering structures, tall timber building, model updating, cross-laminated timber, CLT, dynamic service loading, forced vibration tests, modal parameters, spatial aliasing, finite element model updating Full text (file, 5,99 MB) This document has more files! More... |
3. Vlažnost v času gradnje večetažnih lesenih konstrukcij z uporabo križno lepljenih ploščLuka Naumovski, 2019, undergraduate thesis Keywords: križno lepljen les, lesena gradnja, CLT, vlažnost lesa, zaščita pred vlago, večetažne lesene konstrukcije, tehnologija gradnje Full text (file, 5,20 MB) |
4. Bayesian updating of tall timber building model using modal dataBlaž Kurent, Noemi Friedman, Wai Kei Ao, Boštjan Brank, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: Bayesian model updating, tall CLT building, Polynomial Chaos surrogate, Uncertainty quantification, mode pairing, modal data Full text (file, 4,20 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Nelinearna statična analiza večetažne stavbe iz križno lepljenega lesaLuka Naumovski, 2022, master's thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, GR, križno lepljen les, lesena gradnja, CLT, večetažne lesene konstrukcije, lesena masivna gradnja, nadomestna gradnja, potresno inženirstvo, poenostavljena nelinearna analiza, N2 metoda Full text (file, 9,60 MB) |
6. Bayesian model updating of eight-storey CLT building using modal dataBlaž Kurent, Noemi Friedman, Angelo Aloisio, Dag Pasca, Roberto Tomasi, Boštjan Brank, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: timber building, model updating, CLT building, modal testing, Bayesian inference, surrogate model, parametric study Full text (file, 4,36 MB) This document has more files! More... |