3. Analiza in projektiranje tankostenskih cilindričnih silosov v skaldu z Evrokod standardiSimon Petrovčič, 2008, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, cilindrični silosi, obtežba, analiza, projektiranje, Evrokod Full text (file, 3,51 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Revitalizacija kamnolomaMia Filić, 2022, master's thesis Keywords: arhitektura, športni parki, otok Krk, kamnolomi, revitalizacija, Voz-Piškir, magistrske naloge, urbanizem, rekreacija Full text (file, 90,37 MB) |
5. Design considerations for retrofitting of historic masonry structures with externally bonded FRP systemsSimon Petrovčič, Vojko Kilar, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: architectural heritage, cost-feasibility, fibre-reinforced polymers, in-plane global response, N2 method, non-linear static procedures, seismic retrofitting, unreinforced masonry Full text (file, 8,26 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. An integrative approach to neighbourhood sustainability assessments using publicly available traffic dataŠpela Verovšek, Matevž Juvančič, Simon Petrovčič, Tadeja Zupančič, Matija Svetina, Miha Janež, Žiga Pušnik, Nina Velikajne, Miha Moškon, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: travel time reliability, congestion, neighbourhood sustainability assessment, NSA, cosinor regression, travel times rhythmicity Full text (file, 5,43 MB) This document has more files! More... |
7. Simplified numerical analysis of soil–structure systems subjected to monotonically increasing lateral loadAdriana Brandis, Ivan Kraus, Simon Petrovčič, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: soil–structure interaction, experimental results, numerical models, finite element method, steel frame, SAP2000 Full text (file, 4,47 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Britof, kraj z nesrečnim imenomKatja Komatar, 2022, master's thesis Keywords: magistrske naloge, arhitektura, idejne zasnove, družbeni centri, oljarna Oljarica, opuščene tovarne, Britof pri Kranju, arhitekturna dediščina, javni prostor Full text (file, 67,11 MB) |
9. Rezultati projekta »Agregacija podatkov o konstrukcijah povojne arhitekture v Sloveniji za potrebe presoje njihove potresne odpornosti«Simon Petrovčič, Vojko Kilar, Petra Prašnikar, Boris Azinović, Tilen Bradeško, Manca Gjura Godec, Shani Noah Grulja, Eva Krznarič, Achushankar Anil, Jošt Rogelj, 2023 Keywords: večetažne stanovanjske stavbe, povojno obdobje (1945-1964), potresna ranljivost, konstrukcijske značilnosti, tipološka kategorizacija Full text (file, 15,69 MB) This document has more files! More... |