4. Tipi ektomikorize pri sadikah bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) v rizotronihInes Štraus, 2010, undergraduate thesis Keywords: tipi ektomikorize, PCR, sekvenciranje rDNK, DGGE, dendrogram, fenofaze, bukev Full text (file, 1,51 MB) |
6. Gozdni požari v SlovenijiMaja Jurc, Miha Adamič, Franc Batič, Igor Dakskobler, Brane Glavan, Jošt Jakša, Dušan Jurc, Andrej Kobler, Hojka Kraigher, Vid Mikulič, Primož Simončič, Mihej Urbančič, 1999, final research report Keywords: gozdni požari, Slovenija Full text (file, 25,61 MB) |
8. SciVie - Sciences de le Vie from the past and for the futureMaja Peteh, Irena Rebov, Tina Drolc, Žiga Lipar, Tom Levanič, Hojka Kraigher, 2016, unpublished conference contribution Keywords: založništvo, gozdarstvo, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, repozitoriji, SciVie Full text (outside link) |
9. Fungal and bacterial communities in spruce wood samples exposed to outdoors environmental conditionsTijana Martinović, Marko Bajc, Nejc Thaler, Miha Humar, Hojka Kraigher, Barbara Kraigher, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract Keywords: degradacija lesa, konstrukcijski les, glive, bakterije Full text (outside link) This document has more files! More... |