2. Pool boiling performance of water and self-rewetting fluids on hybrid functionalized aluminum surfacesMatic Može, Viktor Vajc, Matevž Zupančič, Radek Šulc, Iztok Golobič, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: pool boiling, nucleate boiling, surface modification, functionalized surfaces, heat transfer enhancement, self-rewetting fluids Full text (file, 86,70 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Analiza vzletanja in spuščanja letala Cesna C208 pri notranjih letihGašper Kralj, 2019, undergraduate thesis Keywords: Vzpenjanje letala, spuščanje letala, Cessna C208, letalske lastnosti, notranji leti, letališča, vzletišča Full text (file, 6,45 MB) |
7. Spatially resolved temperature distribution in a rare-earth-doped transparent glass-ceramicIvan Sedmak, Rok Podlipec, Iztok Urbančič, Janez Štrancar, Michel Mortier, Iztok Golobič, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: temperature-dependent fluorescence, co-doped glass-ceramic, axial temperature distribution, micro-scale temperature measurements Full text (file, 2,33 MB) This document has more files! More... |