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1. Fatigue life prediction of butt weld joint with weld defects at multiple locations Ebron Shaji Gnanasigamony Thankareathenam, Prabhu Raja Venugopal, Gautham Velayudhan, Mohanraj Selvakumar, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: butt joint, weld defects, fatigue loading, fatigue life |
2. Reliability-based design optimization of pump penetration shell accounting for material and geometric non-linearity Gautham Velayudhan, Prabhu Raja Venugopal, Ebron Shaji Gnanasigamony Thankareathenam, Mohanraj Selvakumar, Thyla Pudukarai Ramaswamy, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: nuclear reactors, buckling, optimization, reliability, limit load, genetic algorithm |