4. Čist (hud) komplet za čisto čiste rokeFilip Bregar, Julija Brudar, Tjaša Erjavec, Anita Kermavner, Manca Kukovičič, Erika Mohorčič, Špela Muha, Nika Nardin, Eva Šefic, Ana Vlahovič, Zlata Grofelnik, Tanja Jereb, Katja Polajnar, Ines Sabol, Petra Černe Oven, Gregor Jereb, Stojan Kostanjevec, Andreja Kukec, 2023, professional monograph Keywords: umivanje rok, higiena, otroci, vzgojitelji, starši Full text (file, 62,09 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Oblikovanje je povsod okoli nasBoštjan Botas Kenda, 2015, professional monograph Keywords: umetniške akademije, visokošolski študij, jubilejni zborniki, oblikovanje, grafično oblikovanje, industrijsko oblikovanje, fotografija, intervjuji, študenti Full text (file, 46,60 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Developing a pedagogical approach with the aim of empowering educators and students to address emerging global issues such as climate change and social justiceBarbara Predan, Petra Černe Oven, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: green nudges, education, sustainable development, pedagogical design capacity, behavorial design, design thinking, Sustainable Development Goals, 12 SDGs, Education for Sustainable Development, ESD Full text (file, 2,75 MB) This document has more files! More... |
10. Vizualna pismenost kot predmet teoretskih raziskovanj – raziskovalnemu programu na potPetra Černe Oven, 2024, preface, editorial, afterword Keywords: raziskovanje, interpretacija, komunikacija, pismenost, vizualne komunikacije Full text (file, 73,08 KB) This document has more files! More... |