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1. Uvodna beseda
Vera Smole, 2011, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: družina, zborniki
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2. Book of abstracts
2012, other monographs and other completed works

Keywords: povzetki, zborniki
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3. Building bridges conference
2014, proceedings of professional or unreviewed scientific conference contributions

Keywords: motnje, učitelji, zborniki
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4. Razvoj predloga nacionalne strategije na področju brezdomstva
Milena Blažič, 2010, proceedings of professional or unreviewed scientific conference contributions

Keywords: revščina, družbena izključenost, marginalne skupine, zborniki
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5. Slovenija v ledenih okovih - odziv in izzivi
2014, proceedings of professional or unreviewed scientific conference contributions

Keywords: sneg, žled, poplave, posledice, varnost, zborniki
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6. Prebiralni gozd in prebiralno gospodarjenje v Sloveniji
2000, professional monograph

Keywords: zborniki
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8. Proceedings
2008, proceedings of professional or unreviewed scientific conference contributions

Keywords: gozdarstvo, zborniki
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9. Novi izzivi v poljedelstvu 2008
2008, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (domestic conferences)

Keywords: kmetijstvo, Slovenija, zborniki
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