1. Autonomous artificial intelligence and uncontemplated hazardsMitja Kovač, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: traffic, artificial intelligence, legislation, autonomous artificial intelligence, liability, risk, judgment-poof problem, regulatory design timing Full text (file, 337,91 KB) This document has more files! More... |
2. Predlog rekonstrukcije križišča na cesti G1-4/1260 v km 0,150 v Gornjem DoličuJan Mak Bevcl, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, štirikrako križišče, štetje prometa, prometna obremenitev, zasičenost, rekonstrukcija, graduation thesis, civil engineering, 4-way intersection, traffic count, traffic loading, saturation of intersection, reconstruction Full text (file, 53,65 MB) |
3. Presoja možnih rešitev križišča regionalne ceste R2-419/1203 in lokalne ceste LC 295040 v naselju StražaJure Berkopec, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, B-GR, diplomska dela, kanalizirano križišče, stopnja nasičenosti, varnost, preglednost, prometna obremenitev, faktor konične ure, krožno križišče, graduation thesis, civil engineering, channelized intersection, degree of saturation, safety, sight distance, traffic load, peak hour factor, roundabout Full text (file, 6,23 MB) |
4. Idejna rešitev dveh križišč pri naselju HrušicaGregor Svetina, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, B-GR, diplomska dela, prometna obremenitev, štetje prometa, krožno križišče, kanalizirano križišče, prepustnost, preglednost, traktrisa, graduation thesis, civil engineering, traffic load, traffic count, roundabout, channelized intersection, permeability, visibility, tractrix Full text (file, 10,33 MB) |
5. Idejna študija kolesarske poti okoli KamnikaAnže Kumar, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, B-GR, diplomska dela, kolesarski promet, načrtovanje kolesarskih površin, prometno omrežje, mestno kolesarstvo, kolesarska pot, graduation thesis, civil engineering, bicycle traffic, planning cycle surfaces, transport network, urban cycling, cycling route Full text (file, 7,20 MB) |
6. Optimalna rešitev križišča - Orožnova ulica, Hofbauerjeva ulica, Cesta v Loke - v MozirjuŠpela Marđetko, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, B-GR, diplomska dela, nasičenost, štetje prometa, varnost, krožno križišče, kanalizirano križišče, TSC - tehnična specifikacija za javne ceste, graduation thesis, civil engineering, saturation, traffic count, safety, roundabout, channelized intersection, TSR - Technical Specifications for Public Roads Full text (file, 3,19 MB) This document has more files! More... |
7. Modeliranje funkcionalnih regij s pomočjo podatkov gostote prometaAnže Pregrad, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, TUN, funkcionalne regije, gostota prometa, metoda gostote jedra, metoda inverzne utežene razdalje, graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, functional regions, traffic density, Kernel Density method, Inverse Distance Weighted method Full text (file, 3,21 MB) |
8. Vpliv vremenskih razmer na prometni tok v cestnem prometuSimon Skvarča, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, UNI, diplomska dela, vreme, prometni tok, vpliv, avtocesta, regionalna cesta, graduation thesis, civil engineering, weather, traffic flow, impact, regional road Full text (file, 2,80 MB) |
9. Rekonstrukcija križišč lokalnih cest LC012020, LC012050, LK013581 in JP513550Matej Indof, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, štirikrako križišče, štetje prometa, prometna obremenitev, zasičenost, rekonstrukcija, graduation thesis, civil engineering, intersection, roundabout, local road, traffic counting, conceptual design, traffic layout, traffic signalisation Full text (file, 6,28 MB) This document has more files! More... |
10. Influence of number and quality of weigh-in-motion data on evaluation of load effects on bridgesAleš Žnidarič, 2017, doctoral dissertation Keywords: building environment, civil engineering, thesis, bridge, traffic loading, weigh-in-motion, WIM, convolution, 624.21:624.042:656.1:519.29:519.248:(043), measurements, data quality, dynamic loading, freight vehicles, statistical methods Full text (file, 15,65 MB) |