Keywords: innovations, intelectual property, legislation, patents, intellectual property rights, patent stock, diversification of procedural and administrative costFull text (file, 870,28 KB) This document has more files! More...
Keywords: forest management, property rights, index, private forests, comparative analysis, EuropeFull text (outside link)
Keywords: forest governance, institutional changes, property rights, PRIF, private ownershipFull text (file, 4,41 MB) This document has more files! More...
Keywords: private forests, forest law, property rights, forest management, private forest owners' cooperation, forest policyFull text (file, 576,09 KB) This document has more files! More...
Keywords: pandemic, patents, intelectual property, legislation, COVID‐19 pandemic, incentives, intellectual property rights, law and economics, patent protectionFull text (file, 997,52 KB) This document has more files! More...