1. Contribution of agricultural policy measures to maintain grassland areas (the case of Radensko Polje Landscape Park)Dubravka Žgavec, Klemen Eler, Andrej Udovč, Franc Batič, 2013, original scientific article Keywords: natural resources, agricultural policy, land policy, grasslands, landscape parks, sustainability, nature reserves, nature conservation, land use, biodiversity Full text (outside link) |
2. Green systems in the evolution of the open space of selected Mediterranean townsInes Hrdalo, 2013, doctoral dissertation Keywords: green systems, open spaces, open public spaces, towns, historical tpwns, contemporary towns, historical chronology, landscape, parks Full text (file, 16,38 MB) |
3. Prostovoljstvo v zavarovanih območjih naraveBrina Knez, 2016, master's thesis Keywords: Prostovoljci, Zavarovana območja, Upravljanje, Nadzor, Krajinski parki, Landscape parks, Varstvo narave, Nature conservation, Magistrske naloge Full text (outside link) |
4. Ungulate management in European national parksSuzanne T.S. Beeck Calkoen, Lisa Mühlbauer, Henrik Andrén, Marco Apollonio, Linas Balčiauskas, Juan Carranza, Jamie Cottam, Flurin Filli, Tsegaye T. Gatiso, David Hetherington, Miha Krofel, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: national parks, wildlife management, naturalness, IUCN, species composition, human intervention, Europe Full text (outside link) |
5. Obnova Rafutskega parka pri Novi GoriciKatarina Iskra, 2012, undergraduate thesis Keywords: Rafutski park, krajinska arhitektura, kulturna dediščina, vrtnoarhitekturna dediščina, parki, urejanje krajine, prenova, zgodovinski parki, eklekticizem, Nova Gorica, Rafut park, landscape architecture, cultural property, garden heritage, parks, landscape design, renovation, historical parks, eclecticism Full text (file, 14,16 MB) |
6. Guidebook for designing local archeo plansMichael Anranter, Jasmina Davidović, Nejc Dolinar, Karin Drda-Kühn, Mariana Egri, Julia Gamper, Rok Ratej, Aurel Rustoiu, Tajda Senica, Katharina Zanier, 2021, professional monograph Keywords: archaeological heritage, archaeological parks, heritage assessment, in situ display, management plan Full text (file, 20,74 MB) |