2. Socio-ekonomska analiza stanja oljkarstva v Slovenski IstriSabina Lukač, 2010, undergraduate thesis Keywords: oljkarstvo, oljka, Olea europaea, trženje, kmetijska ekonomika, nasadi, dohodek, Slovenska Istra Full text (file, 1,36 MB) |
3. Pisani jesenov ličar (Leperesinus varius F.) ter njegov gospodarski pomen v SlovenijiAleš Kresevič, 2005, undergraduate thesis Keywords: podlubniki, pisani jesenov ličar, morfologija, gospodarski pomen, veliki jesen, Fraxinus excelsior L., navadna oljka, Scolitidae, Slovenija Full text (file, 2,03 MB) |
4. Validation of candidate reference genes in RT-qPCR studies of developing olive fruit and expression analysis of four genes involved in fatty acids metabolismTjaša Rešetič, Nataša Štajner, Dunja Bandelj, Branka Javornik, Jernej Jakše, 2013, original scientific article Keywords: genetika, metabolizem maščobnih kislin, referenčni geni, oljka, olea europaea, RT-qPCR, fruit developmnet, olive, reference gene, normalization, fruit development, fatty acids metabolism Full text (outside link) |
5. Application of microsatellite markers in grapevine and olivesJernej Jakše, Nataša Štajner, Lidija Tomić, Branka Javornik, 2013, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Keywords: molekularna genetika, vinska trta, oljka, genetski markerji, mikrosatelitski markerji, mikrosateliti, genom Full text (outside link) |
6. Amplification of fluorescent-labelled microsatellite markers in olives by a novel, economic methodDunja Bandelj, Jernej Jakše, Branka Javornik, 2004, original scientific article Keywords: oljka, sorte, mikrosatelitski markerji, mikrosateliti, fluorescentna detekcija, olives, microsatellite markers, olea europea, genetic markers, flourescent detection, varieties, universal M13(-21) primer Full text (outside link) |
8. Analiza transkriptoma plodu oljke (Olea europaea L.) s pirosekvenciranjemTjaša Rešetič, 2013, doctoral dissertation Keywords: Olea europaea, oljka, Istrska belica, plodovi oljk, nukleotidna zaporedja, cDNA knjižnica, komplementarna DNA, pirosekvenciranje, PCR metode, transkriptom, geni, biotehnologija, genetika, disertacije Full text (file, 2,77 MB) |
10. Vpliv biostimulanta na število in velikost plodov pri oljki (Olea europaea L.)Tea Ivančič, 2020, master's thesis Keywords: sadjarstvo, oljka, Olea europaea, 'Istrska belica', Phylgreen, število plodov, velikost plodov Full text (file, 2,55 MB) |