Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, lahkovgradljiv beton, vrsta agregata, elektrofiltrski pepel, obdelavnost betonana, trdnost betona, elastični model betona, vodoprepustnost betona, slv, graduation thesis, civil engineering, highly flowable concrete, aggregate type, fly ash, workability of concrete, compressive strengtht of concrete, modulus of elasticity of concrete, permeability of concreteFull text (file, 2,77 MB)
Keywords: črna jelša, Alnus glutinosa, zgradba, parenhimske pege, diskolorirani les, strojna obdelavnostFull text (outside link) This document has more files! More...
Keywords: anatomija lesa, biološke značilnosti lesa, tropski les, relevantne lastnosti lesa, obdelavnost, skobljanje, struženje, rezkanje, centralno afriški listavci, Albizzia adianthifolia, Blighia Welwitschii, Celtis zenkeri, Detarium macrocarpum, Gilbertiodendron dewevrei, Irvingia gabonensis, Manilkara fouilloyana, Pachyleasma tessmanni, Xylopia hypolampsaFull text (file, 33,23 MB)