1. Improved thermal energy storage for nearly zero energy buildings with PCM integrationRok Stropnik, Rok Koželj, Eva Zavrl, Uroš Stritih, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: thermal energy storage, phase change materials, PCM, net zero energy buildings, nZEB, experimental analysis, HEART toolkit Full text (file, 853,22 KB) This document has more files! More... |
2. A comparison of models for forecasting the residential natural gas demand of an urban areaRok Hribar, Primož Potočnik, Jurij Šilc, Gregor Papa, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: demand forecasting, buildings, energy modeling, forecast accuracy, machine learning Full text (file, 880,51 KB) This document has more files! More... |
3. The dynamic thermal response model and energy performance of multi-layer glass and BIPV facade structuresSašo Medved, Žiga Begelj, Suzana Domjan, Tomaž Šuklje, Boštjan Černe, Ciril Arkar, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: all-glass buildings, building-integrated photovoltaics, dynamic thermal response, model of building structure, energy performance, building structures CFD Full text (file, 1,69 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Evolution of all-glass nearly zero energy buildings with respect to the local climate and free-cooling techniquesSuzana Domjan, Ciril Arkar, Žiga Begelj, Sašo Medved, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: nearly zero energy buildings, multi-layer glass structures, building integrated photovoltaics, computational fluid dynamics, dynamic building thermal response model, natural space cooling Full text (file, 3,13 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Fast modelling of nZEB metrics of office buildings built with advanced glass and BIPV facade structuresSuzana Domjan, Sašo Medved, Boštjan Černe, Ciril Arkar, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: nearly Zero Energy Buildings, advanced glass facade structures, building integrated photovoltaics, fast modelling, regression models, building energy efficiency, building energy efficiency indicators Full text (file, 4,53 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Overheating reduction in lightweight framed buildings with application of phase change materialsEva Zavrl, Gašper Zupanc, Uroš Stritih, Mateja Dovjak, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: overheating, lightweight framed buildings, phase change materials, thermal comfort, energy efficiency Full text (file, 870,75 KB) This document has more files! More... |
7. A study using the hybrid fuzzy AHP&TOPSIS method in the conversion of a LEED-certified education building into a nearly zero-energy building in a cold climateAli Celik, Bayram Sahin, Eyüphan Manay, Abit Balin, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: green buildings, nearly zero energy building, energy analysis, cost optimal analysis, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, TOPSIS Full text (file, 867,98 KB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Phase-change material thermal energy storage for the smart retrofitting of existing buildingsEneja Osterman, Claudio Del Pero, Eva Zavrl, Fabrizio Leonforte, Niccolò Aste, Uroš Stritih, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: energy renovation of the buildings, heat pumps, heat storage tanks, phase-change materials Full text (file, 4,42 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Improvement of thermal comfort and efficient energy use in buildings based on active-passive systems for overheating reductionEva Zavrl, 2023, doctoral dissertation Keywords: dissertations, phase change material, overheating reduction, thermal energy storage, indoor thermal comfort, cooling of buildings, ventilated air gap Full text (file, 12,09 MB) |