1. Genetic and environmental dispersion parameter estimation by test interval method in dairy sheepAndreja Komprej, Drago Kompan, Milena Kovač, 2011, original scientific article Keywords: dairy sheep, milk yield, milk composition, genetic parameters, environmental parameters, test-day records, test interval method, variance-covariance components Full text (outside link) |
2. Pedigree analysis in the SIKA rabbits in SloveniaMartina Planinc, Ajda Kermauner, Milena Kovač, Špela Malovrh, 2012, published scientific conference contribution Keywords: rabbits, breeds, SIKA, pedigree, inbreeding coefficient, generation interval, relationship coefficient Full text (outside link) |
3. Statistical Properties of Strain and Rotation Tensors in Geodetic NetworkAleš Marjetič, Tomaž Ambrožič, Goran Turk, Oskar Sterle, Bojan Stopar, 2010, original scientific article Keywords: geodetic networks, confidence interval, kinematic quantities, strain tensor, normal strain, shear strain Full text (file, 594,65 KB) |
4. A mathematical function to predict daily milk yield of dairy cows in relation to the interval between milkingsMarija Klopčič, Wiebe J. Koops, Abele Kuipers, 2013, original scientific article Keywords: govedo, krave, molznice, dnevna mlečnost, molža, interval, matematični modeli Full text (outside link) |
5. Vpliv različnih pogojev izvedbe statičnih opazovanj GNSS na določitev položajaTadeja Vok, 2016, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska naloga, UNI, GIG, DOP faktorji, fazni center, GNSS, interval registracije, PPP, statična metoda izmere, točnost, višinski kot Full text (file, 1,57 MB) |
8. GNSS in klasične meritve na komparatorski bazi LogatecJan Kočila, 2017, master's thesis Keywords: višinska razlika, GNSS, precizne klasične meritve, interval registracije, statična metoda izmere, hitra statična metoda izmere, RTK-metoda izmere Full text (file, 4,16 MB) |
10. Testiranje normalnostiSabina Plemenitaš, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: finančna matematika, asimetrija, sploščenost, cenilka asimetrije, cenilka sploščenosti, interval zaupanja, normalna porazdelitev, porazdelitev hi-kvadrat, testiranje hipotez, d'Agostino-Pearsonov K [na] 2 test Full text (file, 588,24 KB) |